Warning, America, Attack, Earthquake, Foreign Troops, Prophecy

When they say peace and safety destruction will follow – Barbara Francis


When they say peace and safety destruction will follow

November 21, 2021
Barbara Francis


Beat you plowshares into swords. You shall be delivered to your enemy Babylon . Mystery Babylon has been revealed to my messengers and prophets in these last days . I continue to open the judgement seals . A great earthquake will shake the earth out of its alignment, chaos will follow . The nation will come under attack . There will be no time to run or hide from the coming captivity and sudden destruction . I will send more plagues to the earths unrepentant. Mans thoughts are evil continuously . When they say peace and safety destruction will follow . Vengeance is mine . I see only a few righteous living among the evil as in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. You will be removed as judgement falls. Now is the time to repent and turn from sin . Mans days are numbered and time comes to an end .

Original Article Can Be Found Here


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