When the UFOs come, what will you do? – Who Hath Believe Our Report

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When the UFOs come, what will you do?

1/2/25 7:41 PM
Who Hath Believe Our Report

How can you know if those inside of a UFO are really demons? You know by testing the spirits?

It’s important to repent daily, repent of all sins known and unknown. Ask the Father to protect your mind from them. Get out of there if you can.

If they are in front of you, unloading from a ship…what are my options

Run if you can, dont talk to them.! They are not your friends They will lie to you, so they can destroy you.

So, how do you test any spirit that is in front of you:

ASK: Who do you say to them” who do you say Jesus of Nazereth is?

1. If they get mad…they are not from God

2. If they refuse to speak, again, they are not from God.

Immediately, say: In Jesus name or the Lord rebuke you, get out of here now and never return!!!! Don’t talk to them any longer It’s best to avoid them completely. Start singing to the Lord and ask for him to protect you.

So we will continue to look at this test for them. Perhaps they gave you an unclear answer or a new age Jesus answer.

Another good option

1. Ask them about the blood of the Lamb, if they are evil, they always get mad around this topic. Usually, very mad.

2. Final option to nail it down, you can sometimes even use this first.

(When you say, In Jesus name, they can’t lie)

In Jesus name, tell me the truth, who do you serve?

In Jesus name, tell me the truth, why are you here? ( you get the idea)

In Jesus name, by the power of the blood of the Lamb, I command you to go!!!

Also available,

In Jesus’ name, but the power of the blood of the lamb, who do you serve? Are you an angel of the Lord of Host?!

I suggest you practice before they show up….you will be tongue tied if you don’t practice.


Here is another thing to consider, what if none of this seems to work? What is going on? I found it’s a hologram. They can send a hologram to entertain your mind. The hologram can be a demon, a woman, a man or whatever they thing they can get your attention from. There is a program called project blue beam, they can even use this to make (fake) ship fly in the air (its a simulation against you)….Ask the Lord to block the tech being used against you.

Who hath believed our report!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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