
When I Asked Jesus Why Christmas Felt Different, He Gave This Word… – Bold Existence Ministries

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When I Asked Jesus Why Christmas Felt Different, He Gave This Word…

December 28, 2022
Bold Existence Ministries


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Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope you are keeping well over Christmas. The Lord had me come away with him and spend extra time in his presence to receive some really incredible encounters with him and revelations and blueprints! All of it was beautiful. I also asked the Lord why this Christmas seemed to have a different atmosphere this year and why it just didn’t feel the same as others. I didn’t want to put my own human assumption in there, just thinking why many people are not excited about it. I could feel like something spiritual in the atmosphere shifted this year with Christmas and then the Lord started unpacking his heart to me and he gave me a very long word. The Lord has prompted me to come and share it with you all here today. This word is such a long word, so I’m not going to type it out, so you won’t find it on the blog page, it will only be on this video. You might need to listen to this word a few times because it’s very long. I really pray that you would see Daddy God’s heart in all of this and that you won’t feel any guilt or condemnation rather understand how much he yearns for us and how much he loves us in all things.


The Lord said:

Many things will happen in times ahead and I am going to show My STRENGTH and My POWER in the Earth. I have made my heart KNOWN to mankind and I have given WARNINGS and I have provided many opportunities for man to turn and repent.

Things will hasten now and events will occur MORE QUICKLY and ALL CLOSER TOGETHER. Wave upon wave, all this is of My doing and My shaking in FINAL attempts to WAKE UP mankind. To WAKE them up to the HOUR that is UPON them. I have hidden my heart from man and have spoken in secret so that man cannot hear. Do I speak for My benefit or do I speak for the benefit of mankind? Not all these things that I have spoken come to pass. The clock is ticking and is running out. The Hourglass is almost EMPTY and My LIGHT is almost here.

To the inhabitants of the earth who CONTINUE to NOT LISTEN to My REPRIMAND, and who CONTINUE to REFUSE to humble themselves and OBEY and FOLLOW Me, I will continue to SHAKE EVERYTHING daughter. They will SEE MANY TEARS in days ahead and you will HEAR many cries of suffering and pain and anguish on the lips of my people who WAKE UP TOO LATE. They will beat their breasts and cry out a loud, saying WHY didn’t I LISTEN, WHY didn’t I HEAR he SPEAK. But I was BLINDED in my OWN WAYS and he made HIS WAY KNOWN to me but I REFUSED to FOLLOW. I wish I can turn back time. I would do things differently if I KNEW what I KNOW NOW, but by then daughter, it would be TOO LATE for them. They will be OVERTAKEN by the TEARS and SUFFERING. I will NEVER turn my back on my people who REPENT, but I won’t ease the CONSEQUENCES they will NEED to walk out because of their DISOBEDIENCE they’ve MADE THEMSELVES their “god”. They are so FOCUSED on their next meal, their next success, their next holiday, their next entertainment, they PUT ME on a SHELF, thinking as long as, I gave my life to Christ, I will be saved. LITTLE do they LISTEN to the REST of MY INSTRUCTIONS on what it means to be a TRUE DISCIPLE and FOLLOWER of Me and would NOT STUMBLE in days ahead when they don’t know how to FOLLOW MY VOICE. I have TRIED to Shepherd my people but they have said NOT NOW there is STILL MUCH LIVING TO DO, yet they FAIL to realize, that I AM their LIFE, their ENTIRE EXISTENCE. They EXISTS because of Me. WHY would My people NOT RESPOND to Me? WHY my daughter, WHY? Am I that AWFUL and disfigured that I am that UNAPPROACHABLE? Tell me my love, WHAT MORE could I have done for my people, than what I have ALREADY DONE, yet they CHOOSE EVERY Pleasant thing OVER Me. Do they not realize the days have been CUT SHORT. Do they NOT realize their continued DISOBEDIENCE and COMPLACENCY is a TRAP and SNARE of enemy. They continue to fall, so why should I answer them when they don’t INVEST in our RELATIONSHIP? Why should I come running and throw my arms around them when they’re in pain and distress and they PAY NO ATTENTION to the PAIN they’re CAUSING Me with their continued SELF-ardently and preservation. Those who acknowledge Me, I acknowledge BEFORE My Father in Heaven. Those who draw close and KNOW My HEART, these are My friends but those who just worship Me when it is CONVENIENT for them and who FOLLOW Me when he PLEASES them and do what I SAY ONLY when they want to get something from Me, these are the ones who DO NOT KNOW Me or My HEART. I do NOT SHARE with them the same Revelation I MAKE KNOWN to My friends who I CONFIDE in and those who declared they followed me when I went to the Cross and confided in the twelve who JOURNEYED WITH Me THROUGH HARDSHIPS and TRIALS. I KNOW those who SEEK Me and who DWELL IN the SECRET PLACE. I KNOW those who are OFTEN accused insulted and misunderstood for FOLLOWING AFTER Me ~ GREATEST is their REWARD in heaven for even though they are not praised in men’s eyes, they are praised by mine. They understand the times and they have READIED their hearts so they will be able to NAVIGATE times ahead without stumbling. I will UPHOLD them and they will be SAFE as for the REST they need to be AWAKENED from their SLUMBER BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE and BEFORE MY DAY and HOUR TRANSCENDS UPON them UNEXPECTEDLY! I do this out of love, mercy, and Grace. My people TOY with Me as if I’m an object to play with. Their IRREVERENCE and FAKENESS of the Fear of the Lord is REVOLTING, it NAUSEATES Me. They PRETEND to be BEFORE Me and yet they continue in their FLESHLY sin and DISOBEDIENCE THINKING they are SAFE to ESCAPE the Hordes of HELL as long as they profess Me as Lord…is this the kind of Bride I am LOOKING for, is this the kind of Bride I DIED FOR? I would COME TO HER but yet she would NOT RECEIVE Me. I would CALL to her to commune with her and she would respond with the words later there is NO TIME right now. Do I not know man’s days and do I not know what each person does and what they have time for and what they have not done? Do I not know when something is a priority or when they keep putting me off forever? Would they keep pondering in their hearts if everything they desire and wanted to have no space to think upon Me? Do their hearts not YEARN for Me as mine does for them? Can they not HEAR my affections and desire for LOVE and yet they place their affections in love elsewhere? Just because they don’t bow down to a physical IDOL, does not mean they don’t have other IDOLS sitting up IN their hearts that they bow down to instead of Me. Do they not know that I am the FULLNESS of LIFE and that EVERYTHING they NEED is FOUND in Me? At what point, did I instigate the family unit to be placed ahead of Me? My order can your family members stand and give an account for your life at the end of days or would it be you who need to give an account to me on that day. was I not the one who CREATED Eve for Adam? when I said it was not good for man to be alone, and did I not instruct a man to leave his parents to be United with his wife and to be fruitful and multiply in all of that did? Did I ever say the family unit needs to be placed ahead of Me? Aren’t my children not a gift from Me? Then why do you treat the gift with MORE priority than The Giver? If you place Me FIRST, will I not look after the family unit? Why then do you place the family unit AHEAD of Me, is that not IDOLATRY? Do you not REALIZE that I can STRIP the family unit away from you in a blink of an eye, yet you treat it as if you it’s YOUR first Foundation.

There has been MUCH CONFUSION amongst my people and a lot of false doctrine that has been taught in regard to what I desire and what I instructed and put in place for you set up for yourselves festivals and claim it in honor and celebration of me and yet you make it all ABOUT YOU. You quarrel, you strive, you get drunk on wine and your speech is impure and contains no Fear of the Lord. You ENTERTAIN YOURSELVES with the world’s entertainment and yet there is NO TRUE DEVOTION TIME of WORSHIP of Me ~ Is this then truly about Me? Those festivals as they were deceptive they PORTRAYED to be for my honor and yet I am often DISRESPECTED on those days. Didn’t the Israelites often hold festivals in my honor and yet DISHONOR me on those days? Did I not say to them that I DESIRE OBEDIENCE RATHER than sacrifice? Hold your festivals but don’t do it in my honor if you are going to desecrate it it would be better for you to NOT DO IT AT ALL than to claim it as for me and DESECRATE it. My heart is tired and weary in speaking about my people that still show NO RESPECT and they OVERRIDE and DISREGARD My heart according to their OWN FLESHLY WISDOM. I not against you having fun and enjoyment, certainly not, if you buy your child a present for their enjoyment and you give it to them~does your face not light up? Do you see the excitement in their eyes when they open that gift you gave them? That gift with the intention for that gift to replace them spending time with you was that gift not to draw them CLOSER to you to DISPLAY your love and affection? Do you not tell them to leave the gift temporary to come and sit and dine with you at the table to have fellowship with you? Likewise, my gifts to you are NEVER intended to replace your affections for me and my gifts to you are NEVER intended to keep you away from coming to sit at my table and dine with me to examine your hearts and your motives. I am NOT the God who is far off but the one who wants to dine with you as FIRST priority. The mixtures are DETESTABLE to Me. I’d rather you CHOOSE ONE OR the OTHER as mixture and wavering between two opinions is DISPLEASING to Me. You either LOVE Me FULLY or you don’t. You either FOLLOW Me FULLY or you DON’T. You either CELEBRATE Me FULLY or make up your mind this day what you want. My wish is for you to CHOOSE Me ABOVE ANY OTHER, as in Me, you FIND LIFE FREEDOM and HEALING for your soul. Then the Lord said to me, that I AM COMING to SHAKE the TRADITIONS of men.

The Lord gave the following scriptures with this word:

Amos 5:21~24
Matthew 6:24
1 Samuel 15:20-24
Mark 12:30~31

Our beautiful Heavenly Father, we Thank you so much that you share your heart with us and that you make known to us how you feel about the affairs. Father we come to you in the name of Jesus and we want to repent Father how we have often portrayed festivals to be for Your Name Lord. Whether it be Christmas or whether it be Easter, the man-made festivals Lord that we have set up that we declare in your honor and yet when we say we do it for you, we often forget you in those moments. We would quickly do a prayer or read a story but then we would get so caught up in just the normal ways of the world and even allow strife and quarreling and discord in the family to come in and not make it about you in the center. Father we repent in the name of Jesus for often putting other things ahead of you Lord and not understanding your heart of how much you want us to actually dine with you because you created us first and foremost for you. Lord like you said in your Commandments the first commandment is love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and the second is love your neighbor as yourself. Lord we know that we are to praise you first above any human above any success above any ambition above anything else Lord in this Earth above our desires above all promises above our dreams. Lord if you’re not the center then we are out of alignment of your will and so Lord we pray in the name of Jesus, that you’ll help each and every one of us to keep you as our first love because then from that place everything else will fall into place in Jesus Most Holy powerful name Amen

All right my brothers and sisters have a wonderful day God bless you!


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