September 20, 2020
Only A Grain Of Sand
What time is it?
Time for the scoffers jaws to drop.
What time is it?
Time for the fiery rocks and missiles to reach their destinations, your front or back yards America.
What time is it?
Autumn: The Fall Is The Fall America.
What time is it?
Time for all the poisons to hatch out.
What time is it?
There is no more time, you are out of time.
What time is is?
Time for the grass to wither, and the leaves to fall from the trees. America you will be stripped bare, and exposed for all the world to see, gasp, shudder, cry and or celebrate, but not to come to your rescue.
What time is it?
Time for the Door of Mercy to close and the Heavy Hand of Judgment to fall on a nation who refuses to repent of their evil ways.
What time is is?
Time for your country to be split down the middle, since you have signed a Peace Accord that authorized the splitting of the Apple Of My Eye and Israel. Watch as I AM authorizes the snake king to core your Big Apple.
What time is it?
Time for families to be broken-up, go their separate ways, some to the eternal fires of Hell and some to the Wedding feast of The Lamb. (As some will take the vaccine and chip and some will refuse.)
What time is it?
Harvest time! Bringing In The Sheaves! Tares to the Furnace! Decision Time! Places Everyone!
What time is it?
Time to pray and stay connected to God, before it is too late and the door to your heart and soul swings shut, on your eternal destiny.
What time is it?
Darkness is falling, September will turn into October and all things will intensify.
What time is it?
Time to say good-bye to the lifestyles of the past: food aplenty, unending travel, gas around the corner, lottsa money, vacations, excess, activities and leisure.
What time is it?
Time for the fraudulent weights and measures to be corrected. All the lies, secret deals and thefts to be exposed.
What times is it?
Time for the Constitution of these Unites States of America to be set aside by corrupt politicians who have sworn behind closed doors to destroy it.
What time is it?
Time for the Prosperity Gospel to disappear, like a misty morning as the Sun of Justice rises.
What time is it?
Time for the Blood of the Innocents (60 million plus Abortions) that cries out to God to be avenged.
What time is it?
Time for those involved in the sale of body parts for cosmetics, food, fertilizer, medical research, genetic manipulation, youth re-generation to meet their Maker.
What time is it?
Time for the collapse of Hollywood, the Pornography Industry, Human Trafficking, Slavery, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia Barons to face the Anger of God Almighty.
What time is it?
Time for no dinner, no lunch, no breakfast, no Happy Hour, no restaurants, no snacks, no take-out, no drive-thru, no-all-you-can-eat-buffets, no mountains of wasted food, no leftovers. But Famine!
What time is it?
Time for the neighbors to denounce, ignore, deride and turn into the authorities, call the snitch-line on their neighbors.
What time is it?
Time to realize America you made your bed (individually and collectively) and now you have to lie in it.
What time is it?
Election Time! The Last One! Think On That!
What time is it?
Note: The circle closes, the second time God The Father spoke to me, in 1993, it was Jeremiah Chapter 51 & 52. Please read both of these Chapters and substitute America everytime the word mentions a country by name. Time Is Out America!
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