What Is To Happen To Me In The End
Feb 1 2020 4:20 AM
2017 Dream
Ok so I shared this scripture as this has to do with what happened to me in a dream 3 years ago, so before I have this dream months before i am in fear of bad things that can happen, earthquakes, tsunami’s ECT.. I have a few different apps on my phone alerting me of earthquakes and any other desaster that can happen, anyway I know as a Christian we shouldn’t fear so one night i say to the Lord I don’t want to fear I knew it was wrong because we are to trust God for our protection,
so I asked God a question ” What Is To Happen To Me In The End” I then had a dream I was in a large industrial shed dirt floor with groups of people standing around ,I look over to see an older man with long white robe white beard and white on his head I will say he was Muslim as I have seen what he wore as Muslim clothing , he was going around to each group picking out who was not needed for his use as not significant to him , he came to my group of people and looked at me and pointed to me I had my daughter with me and I looked at her and said we are going to go home now to Jesus I had a knowing that I was going to be beheaded ,the dream then ended, to my surprise I had no fear what’s so ever only a peace within that says all is well .