We Must All Be About My Father’s Business
Oct 1, 2019, 9:00 AM
I woke up this morning and the thought occurred to me that many people don’t even know we’re in the end times. In my spirit I heard ‘ A lot of people are going to die’.
I felt saddened and thought how truly short and fleeting life is and that for just a few trinkets, we give up our lives for eternal damnation. I wondered how God must feel because He’s known this from the beginning, whereas I had just come to this harsh realization because we’re in the last days.
Daughter, My heart grieves for what is to come. Many, including My own are unaware of the times we’re in, and many who know the truth, refuse to acknowledge it. Judgment is coming upon this earth and cannot be turned back. I have called out to the world to acknowledge Me, but they heed the voice of the evil one in the things of this world – the toys, the luxuries he has created for them. They are enamored of themselves and their comfortable, satisfying lives and have no idea they are on the road to eternal perdition. My heart grieves for the lost, but I see you begin to understand how I feel for each of the unsaved, even My own.
I have warned THERE IS A GREAT SPIRIT OF DECEPTION UPON THIS EARTH. Many have fallen prey to the lies of the father of lies and many of My sheep are still asleep. But I will awaken them from their deep slumber, I will stir them up for the cause they were created for. They will rise up in faith and determination and reach out to the unsaved and broken hearted and they will bring them to Me, their King.
Daughter, the hour is fast approaching when all hell will break loose. You must begin to use your time wisely, for each hour, each minute of the day – souls are lost to Me. I wish that none would perish but WE MUST ALL BE ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS. Time is short surely and more precious than you realize. I have said to PRAY ALWAYS. When you are about your work, in the quiet moments when you think of Me – PRAY! When you have mindless moments – driving to and from work, cleaning up your homes, going about your mundane business- PRAY! PRAY UNCEASINGLY FOR THE LOST! I have asked this of My sheep and I ask this of you again. So much time is wasted! When I walked the earth, during that time, I did My Father’s will and I did nothing without My Father.
You have been chosen, each one of My sheep, for this hour which draws near. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME AS I AM LOOKING TO YOU TO BE MY HANDS AND MY FEET UPON THIS EARTH! Do not be fearful, My sheep, but look to Me always, Your Savior and Savior of the world, Yeshua HaMamashiach! I tell you My children, I am returning very, very soon!
Be ready!
Look to me in the clouds for I come with a mighty army!
I love you My children!
Your beloved Yeshua
Tell them daughter, tell the world how much I love them, to the extent that I died for each one of them, yes each one!
I come soon My loves
Tell them, tell them how much I love them!
This message was received 10.1.19 at 2:03 am
Scripture Reference:
Luke 2:49 49 And He said to them, ‘Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s Business?’
Ephesians 6:18. 6 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All saints;
Luke 18:1. 1 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
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