Watch the Clock Hit 12
9/21/24 11:16 AM
The tares have been propagating with the wheat long enough. The tares are not fruitful, and their “vine” is about to be terminated. Many believe they can continue in sin and not have the consequences that come with their decisions. As I move forward scouring the Earth for my chosen, I Am thankful for my remanent, those whom have followed me with much precision and humility. They wait in the background as everything lines up. Patiently they do what they can knowing that time is short.
Much changes, as we move forward. Watch the clock hit 12, with no more delays, for we are in the season. Each will follow their destiny’s, to their prescribed final destination, depending on who their father is. Those sitting on the fence belong to satan, for he owns the resting place (on the top).
For those of you who have not made a decision for I Am, in righteousness, your next and only hope is to become a Tribulation Saint. Watch the changes as time is terminated, as we move into a next season. My chosen get ready for an adventure if a lifetime.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos