August 23, 2020
Thor-Egil Eik
August 5th 2020
SEE, I’m coming soon, you do not notice! The whole earth is waiting for redemption, and soon you will be redeemed, my dearest ones.
Do not let your hearts be troubled when you see seas and waves roaring, but look up to Me who was pierced, for the redemption of your souls.
Have I not said that in the last days there will be hard times, where man will set himself up against man and brother against brother and where love will grow cold in most people. Many in My church will have a form of godliness but deny its power.
– 2 Timothy 3:1-7
You should warn them if you can but be careful not to let them betray you and hand you over to the authorities.
Prepare for the fall. Soon everything will change, but My Word is the same. My Spirit will strengthen you and equip you to do greater works than I did, and many will give their lives into My hands. For many, it will be the last thing they do, but the tremors that come will shake away all that is not of Me, so that only that which cannot be shaken will remain!
– Hebrews 12:26-29
My bride, my dearest ones. Endure a little longer, and watch & pray, so that you do not fall into temptation!
You are a chosen generation, a holy people of kings and priests, set aside for My great works on earth!
Praise My name and stay close to Me!
He who waits for the Lord will lift up his wings like an eagle. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint! – Isaiah 40:31
Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me!
⁃ Jesus Christ
Original article can be found here