9/7/24 7:56 AM
Isaac Alvarado
I will free my People from the land of Egypt from the house of Slavery. The adversaries rise up with arguments .. much revolt is coming for the European Union, France, Spain, Germany in total Chaos • Greece, Italy, Portugal are burning Slowenia falls into the hands of its adversaries Luxemburg in the sights of Terrorism Cezch Slowakia seen like never before Mediterranean Sea in you significant traces are discovered. Middle East I speak to you and I tell you you will not be silent your crying has no end. My name will be exalted among the Nations there where they thought erase it will be heard with force. The land is mine I founded it with my wisdom with my hands …. The GLORY AND HONOUR IS MINE . Rains rains rains there will be much talk of rains // they transfer from the normal Let us prepare ourselves the Lord is coming soon for his People
• Hong Kong will be in trouble and very difficult situations
• A conflict caused by the (T..rah) will be a cause of protest and revolt Let us prepare ourselves The Lord is coming for his people Amen.
• A Binlican Plague of Lice is Coming
• A Valley covered by a very dense fog will give rise to talk
Run to me, the Lord tells his people. In my arms you will be safe. In me you will have peace. But run to me. My sheep hear my voice. Do not turn your back on me, but go to the desert. Come to me, I am a source of living water. Come and run to my presence. I have prepared things that will make you forget the afflictions and sorrows of this world. I will dry your tears. But run to me, the Lord tells his people. • More fires are coming in many places ( Firefighters full of work)
• A Volcano in Guatemala will erupt and people will say “God is angry”
• The Earth Trembles in Guatemala • The Sea is very violent on both sides of the Nation PREPARE YOURSELVES MY PEOPLE TELLS YOU THE LORD IN GUATEMALA