3/12/25 2:24 PM
Elizabeth Marie
I have been getting some strong warnings in the last couple of weeks concerning things in the sky, and here on the earth!
On 2/28/25 I awoke to this ‘word:’
There are a few different interpretations that I know of:
—The ‘DEATH STAR,’ according to WIKIPEDIA is a “fictional space station and superweapon featured in the Star Wars space-opera franchise. Constructed by the autocratic Galactic Empire, the Death Star is capable of obliterating entire planets, and serves to enforce the Empire’s reign of terror.”
This could point to ‘space wars’ being used to ‘obliterate’ a country’s enemy, to enforce a ‘reign of terror….or even point to UFO aliens. However what jumped out at me was the actual picture of the this superweapon space station — it was shaped like a planet! The word ‘NIBIRU’ comes to my mind!!
After doing some research, about NIBIRU, I realized that many believe that this ROGUE ‘PLANET/STAR’ actually exists in our solar system. This understanding dates backs thousands of years ago…..all the way back to Sumerian Mythology. It is even said that this was the planet that the Anunnaki came from.
Other names for Nibiru are the BLACK STAR, WINGED PLANET, or PLANET X.
I don’t know if this is what the LORD was trying to show me, however, I have been shown, through other dreams, that there will be something coming in our solar system that will come, and disturb the magnetic field on earth, This will be the cause of many natural disasters, such as EARTHEQUAKES, and VOLCANOES. It could also cause some sort of major POLAR SHIFT, like it talks about in Isaiah 24:19-20:
“The earth is broken up, the earth is split asunder, the earth is violently shaken. The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls—never to rise again.” Isaiah 24:19-20
On 3/3/25, I woke up to this rhema word:
I believe that this ‘word of warning’ could actually go along with the ‘word’ above, ‘DEATH STAR.’ If the ‘death star’ refers to some kind of planetary disturbance that affects the earth…..it could also refer to something hitting to the earth, like it says in Revelation 8:10-11:
“The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”
In Revelation, there is a ‘star,’ possibly an astroid, named WORMWOOD, that hits the earth, and POISONS the water. The word ‘wormwood’ refers to ‘BITTERNESS’…. which makes the water undrinkable. This 3rd TRUMPET is a JUDGMENT of GOD’s wrath.
The LORD brings HIS warnings to HIS people, and those who will pay heed, and prepare accordingly. Having alternate water sources is one of the most important ‘PREPS’ that one can have….for a person can only survive for a few days without water.
The same night that I received the above word, I also had a dream where I was driving north from the south. I actually saw myself driving on a map, of sorts, on the east coast. I was in one of the southern states, but did not see which one.
As I was driving north, I saw in the distance, a lot of smoke filling up the sky. It was smoke from a MASSIVE FIRE….something I had never seen before, except on TV. Though I did not see the actual fires, I knew that something catastrophic was happening up ahead. I had a ‘knowing’ that this was a very rural area, with lots of poorer people living there.
The closer I got, I started seeing people running, all over the place for their lives, and I could actually see the panic in their faces. I then woke up.
The first thing I thought of is what happened in Western N.C. I believe that the LORD gave me this WARNING, so that we can be praying that any FUTURE fires that are planned would be stopped, hindered, canceled, and declared ‘knull and void.”
The enemy has been using these fires for his own nefarious purposes……so this is a call for PRAYER INTERCESSORS, and WARRIORS to pray into the spirit realm for protection, and to restrain the hand of all evil….through the BLOOD OF JESUS, and HIS DUDAMIS POWER.
Once again, I have been dreaming about earthquakes, and tornados. This has happened a few times in the last month. The first was one similiar to the vison I had a few weeks ago……here is that video: EARTHQUAKES!
Then, on 3/8/25, I heard two things:
The first one was, where I heard, once again:
The day that I received the dream vision (above video), I experienced a strange SIGN: I was in the kitchen, that morning, and I felt the earth move…..but, not physically, but in the SPIRIT REALM! However, it actually felt MORE REAL than the earthquakes that I have experienced in the past….if that makes any sense! I was stunned, and shaken to my core, because I had never felt anything like this in the spirit. When I finally gained my composure, I heard this:
I believe that this is a good thing to pray daily over ourselves, and loved ones!
- The second ‘word’ I heard was:
I believe that we are going to see many ‘natural’ disasters happen. I don’t know if they are from the hand of man, or from the hand of GOD for judgment. Either way, I believe that the LORD will allow them, if there is no REPENTANCE and PRAYER PETITIONS to keep them from coming.
When I receive the NAME of a STATE, I know that it is a warning to pray! I do not know if it concerns the weather related things that I was shown. I just know that I received them on the same night. So, please remember WYOMING in your prayers!