Warning: The Angel Of Death Will Be Released
September 16, 2022 10:02 PM
Sharlene Reimer
Another Warning: The Angel Of Death Will Be Released/ “Something Is Coming Worse Than Covid. Prepare.”/”Where Is My Praying Church? The Church Must Rise Up, Fast And Pray”
Vision #365 Sept. 12/22 Mon Am and evg.
This is a difficult vision. Not only was the imagery difficult to look at but also the Word Jesus gave that accompanied it was hard. God has never shied away from hard topics. God is sharing his heart because He cares so much.
Monday morning I was having my God time. I bowed before Him in His temple. When I looked up I saw a large dark hooded figure with no face appear before me. He was holding a scythe/sickle type sword. (similar to photo below) I’ve seen this figure before in a previous vision #97 (but the sword was different in that vision.) Then my perspective changed and I saw him take on the form of a dark cloud but he remained as the dark hooded angel in front of it holding the sickle moving over the earth. I understood he is the angel of death.
Then I heard the Lord say, “Destruction is coming, daughter; something worse than covid(19) is coming. Prepare. They are getting ready to release another manufactured virus. There will be much death. I Am going to release the angel of death. He will be allowed to take the lives of many, but only so much.” He continued, “Where is My praying church? The church must rise up, fast and pray!” (Note at the end regarding preparation)
Then the picture changed and I saw several difficult pictures: people in hospital beds, people laying on the sidewalks and a mother holding her child in her arms who appeared lifeless. Then the view was filled with a syringe. The dose showed only a small amount to be injected but out from the needle tip, came a few drops of black liquid. On the body of the syringe was a black skull and crossbones symbol. After this, I saw a baby in the womb and something black was going through the placenta and travelling through the umbilical cord. The baby was moving about as if trying to flee. Sigh.
The people I saw in hospital beds, laying on sidewalks and a child in the arms are examples of people struck with the virus which will become the next global pandemic as God warned in previous visions #272, #324. Here’s an excerpt from #324: God said, “…The global infection will also produce more “vaccinations,” but they won’t help anymore than the present ones that are being taken will. They were not created to help you. Do not take these future “vaccinations.” They are part of the beast system as I’ve told you in the past. You have been warned.”
It’s my understanding from previous vision #272, the coming global infection will present much like covid19 as Jesus said, “Another virus is coming- one that presents like Covid but it is worse and many people will die. The “vaccination” that you get now will not help…”
The syringe represents the new injections or “vaccinations” that will be created in response to the new virus. The black skull and crossbones is a warning: black is death and evil. The intention is purposely harmful. There is an association of the skull and crossbones with the Masonic/which is connected to the illuminati. The small dose of black liquid coming out of the tip of the needle is the formula. It will only take small repeated doses to accomplish the agenda. The vaccine doses previously taken will be used together with the newer ones, much like building blocks. The first vaccines were to precondition us and purposely compromise our health. Jesus reminded me to go back to the previous visions regarding His warning not to take them. #239,#251, #253,#272 #324 In vision #272 Jesus confirmed that the next wave of “vaccinations” are designed with artificial intelligence and chemicals which, with subsequent injections, will alter your DNA.
The baby in the womb is not protected from the injections. The unborn child will be affected as well.
Evening prayer time. I worshiped the Lord in the Throne Room. I began to pray and when I came to proclaim Ps 91, I went to the area where my horse is. I looked up into the air and I saw Jesus standing in His armour. I came and stood at His feet as He was very tall. My size was that of a toddler next to His feet. Behind Jesus were armies of heaven all in their armour looking like warriors. Jesus said, “Daughter, My armies are ready. I’m waiting for the church to wake up. Repent church and rise. I’m waiting for the call for help. Release the mighty angels!”
I’m on the ground now and hop onto my horse and join the others to ride to the base of the mtn. We begin the climb up. A huge dragon type principality was breathing fire at us but we were so few and could only defend ourselves. We couldn’t defeat it. We asked for help. And the angels were ready to battle the principality. But I didn’t see them battle it. Why? I reached the top of the mtn, got onto my eagle and off I went proclaiming the Psalm. I found myself looking inside a church. There were people kneeling in the pews, praying; but so few! I understood this is connected to the reason so few couldn’t defeat the large dragon. The church must learn that repentance and corporate prayer and fasting leads to defeating a principality.
I went down the stairs, greeted my greeter group and walked over to the right where the others always have already gathered. It opened to see a laboratory. I saw a few people completely covered in white protective gear each doing a duty. One was filling vials while another walked over to a microscope and placed something to view while another was looking at a computer screen. (it reminded me of a high security lab of dangerous infectious diseases) The picture changed and I saw a guard standing by a fenced area near a building. He had short dark/black hair and his uniform was olive coloured and it reminded me of a soldier from China.
I understood that the virus is being manufactured in a lab with high security. China is involved but they are not alone in this agenda. See previous vision #253 regarding Bill Gates involvement.
I asked, why do so many people die? Jesus replied, “Those that have taken the recent “vaccinations” will struggle. Their immunity has been compromised. Remember I told you that they were created to harm people not to help. And they will not protect you from future viruses.”(#251, #253, #272, #324)
Jesus, why do you release the angel of death? Jesus replied, “My Father releases it to wake up the church. My desire is that it will bring them to their knees, humble them and call on my name. They missed it the first time. Even with the convoy, they missed it.” I said, if everyone dies, there will be no church to repent, fast and pray! And Jesus replied, “Not everyone will die. I will look out for My righteous ones. My heart is that they seek Me with all their heart, and know Me; know the power in them through Me, and use it!” I am learning that change begins with my own heart- that’s humbling myself before God, repenting of what needs to be cleaned up and then eagerly seeking after Him to be in His Presence and understand His heart for me. I’m reminded of the day of prayer that saved Dunkirk in WWll and Rees Howell calling for intercession in WWll to end Hitler’s reign. Oh Lord, raise up Your Esther’s and Daniel’s that will call for fasting and prayer in times of crisis!
The church is to walk in power and anointing of Holy Spirit, demonstrating the gospel of the kingdom of God with signs, wonders and miracles. And the gates of hell will not prevail!
Act 2:42-47,Eph 4:11-13, 1 Cor 12, Matt 10:8 “Jesus said, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons!” I’m reminded about the lyrics from a Newsboys song – We Believe especially the bridge part: https://youtu.be/WjZ01FcK0yk
“ Let the lost be found and the dead be raised
In the here and now, let love invade
Let the church live loud, our God we’ll say
“We believe, we believe!”
And the gates of hell will not prevail
For the power of God, has torn the veil
Now we know Your love will never fail
We believe, we believe”
What does “prepare” look like? Two years ago, I had a similar understanding of preparing. (Aug. 7/20, Vision #239) I was under the understanding to collect food and supplies for approx 3 months. Hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies, food with long expire dates (eg: canning, pasta, rice, lentils, fill your freezer with meat, powdered milk and some bags of flour. Dehydrated foods you can make or buy.But the biggest message was not to fear and don’t panic. I asked Jesus when this will occur and He replied, “Very, very soon.” His very very soon is not immediately. That’s the only thing that’s confirmed.