As Popocatepetl volcano is for California,
The Flood in South Wales is for Australia.
March 26, 2021 9:01 AM
Isaiah 46:10 (KJV) Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Many might ask ‘why all these warning?’ The simple answer is because it is “The End”, there is no going back. This repeated warnings for the US, Australia and the whole world is to save lives, above all to save souls, an alarm for the time of Repentance and the Door of Mercy is not going to remain indefinitely open. The door of mercy is closing. I have seen the indescribable burning anger on the firry face and the flaming eyes of the Lord. According to what I saw, mankind, as a whole, with no exception is at the mercy of the Lord. In a little while, all will see and understand. In the sight of the Lord, sin is not tolerated. You are warned!
The first early warning signs from the Lord concerning the major earthquake of California is the eruption of the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico. Today, March 26, 2021 is “Day 21” since Popocatepetl started erupting. The prophecy tells us “The volcanoes will erupt. There will be a massive eruption of Mt. Popocatepetl. When the smoke clears Mexico City will be no more. Be warned that when this earthquake happens it is the final warning sign for the coming Great West Coast Earthquake.”
Now the volcano has erupted. 21 days passed. For obvious reasons, I have been watching this volcano, every day for the last 21 days. There was too much ash cloud, almost every day. Sometimes, the mountain gets completely covered with dark smoke with dark debris from the volcano raining on the surrounding areas. Now, the smoke is clearing. No one can tell how long it will take to “clear” to fulfill the prophecy, but it is clearing. What follows is, when “ smoke clears Mexico City will be no more” and the major one in California follows.
I have shared with you two visions the Lord showed me about the Mega Earthquake in Western Australia at the Faultline called “The Darling Faultline.” The vision came two times, the last one telling the nearness of the time. West Cost Australia-Mega Earthquake, MCKANA JULY 6, 2020 https://444prophecynews.com/west-cost-australia-mega-earthquake-mckana/
This recent prophecy from our brother Troy Black tells us:- “The same way the rainbow show up after a storm, I AM going to deliver a promise after a time of shaking.” New South Wales Prophecy Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl_d6Pdi-XM
We are all aware of the devastating flood, in the last few days, in the South Wales of Australia.
The Lord speaks in events. As the eruption of Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico just before the major earthquake in California a signe, the devastating flood in South Wales is a warning for the nearness and the inevitable mega Earthquake in Australia, in the region of “the Darling fault line”
These catastrophic calamities and many more in kind globally, will come to pass soon.
To see is to believe, indeed the Lord is telling the end from the beginning. The Lord has spoken, is He not going to do it? Repent Now, Now and Right Now!
[pdf-embedder url=”https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/California_Australia__March_25_2021.pdf” title=”California,_Australia__March_25,_2021″]