Posted on August 14, 2014
My daughter, write these words for those that have ears to ear. Tune into what is going on around your earth now, My children. Every day you will hear about a new problem. These things might not be affecting most so people will ignore and hope for the best by grabbing onto and focusing on the things of this world like their jobs, relationships, finances and past times. They can turn away from the reality that is unfolding right before their eyes and simply pretend it is not happening. That is until it truly hits home. For your once great nation, it will be hitting home soon. The problem with your once great nation is pride. Many think, including many in your leadership, that you are untouchable and forever safe from the outside world. This could not be further from the truth, My loves, and My love for your once great nation makes you even a bigger target for the enemy. Things will be coming to your doorstep now. Things have happened in your nation, yes, in the past in small doses and few and far between. I have warned before. The time is coming, My loves, where everyone from the largest city to the smallest of towns will be affected in one way or another. Your way of life will be forever changed, and though the people of your once great nation will pursue normalcy, they will never find their version of normal again. What is coming is huge. Your once great nation will be shaken to its foundations, and there will be no one coming to rescue you. No one. As an island on her own, she will lie in ruin with not a friend in the world. It’s coming, My children. It is coming. I do not warn My children to bring fear upon them, but to prepare them. I do not want My children living in fear. I want them to know that they will be Protected under My wings, lifted up and removed from the path of destruction, held tightly in the palm of My hand, blinded to the carnage and the chaos. There will be a time when they are assigned as My field workers and harvesters, yes, but they will be shielded and kept from the sudden destruction at hand. Many say My children must suffer with the rest of mankind who have no part in Me. How could this be true, My loves? How? Then, was not My blood shed for not? My children will be shielded and protected and celebrated. My children do not need to suffer again the pain that I already bore. The enemy plants these falsehoods around and among My sheep. I say, rest easy in My finished work, My loves, for I will not abandon you to suffer with the evil ones. The people that have turned away from Me will be forced to see and suffer the consequences of their choices. They will know that I AM the I AM and the creator once and for all. Their pride is what kept them from calling on Me. Nothing else but stubborn pride. I know the hearts of each man, and I know what is on the inside, and I know why they do the things that they do. I know the demons that they encase, and I also know if My truth is truly burned deep within their hearts. This will be a great separation, My loves, and awakening for all of My children and a rude awakening for those who do not choose My truth but are caught into the snare of deception of the enemy. Trust Me now, My children. Trust Me. Put your faith into action. Pray for the sick and heal them. Receive My blessings upon your lives. Receive My peace and joy and extend your hand to the lost and the backslidden. Freely give to others what I give to you. You are truly loved and cared for in every situation. Receive Me fully, and you will receive the bounty that I have set aside for you. Love, Yeshua;