Warn the Wicked
December 10, 2021
Justin Adkinson
I must speak what has been given to me by the Holy Spirit! Take heed to this warning!
“When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.” Ezekiel 3:18 KJV
“Now we exhort you, brethren, WARN THEM that are unruly, COMFORT the feebleminded, SUPPORT the weak, BE PATIENT toward all men.” 1 Thessalonians 5:14 KJV
Direct words spoken from the Holy Spirit through me as I was obedient and wrote it all down. The urgency is great in this late hour!
Come to me my children. You do not know how much time is left on your calendar. I know all things. Put your trust in me so I can cover you in the shadow of my wings. Why do you doubt that I care about you enough to protect you? I am not like your earthly father who did not love you as I love you. I will not abuse you as your earthly father did. I will not harm you or mistreat you for your sinful past. But you must humble yourself before me. I am a merciful God and I will forgive you. Do not let your pride take you to the pit where you will not be able to find rest for all eternity. Why is the word eternity so hard to comprehend? I want you to be with me for all eternity, but I cannot allow your sins to enter heaven. I cast out my creation for rebelling against me. Lucifer was my creation. He allowed pride into him and he took many others I created with him. He deceived my creation on earth and he is deceiving you now. Many of you think you are right with me, but you are not.
My watchmen warn but you do not listen. You say you know them and who their mother and father are, so why listen to someone you have known for years? I say to you today to REPENT! For I am about to send my Son to get those who love him more than this world. You will be caught unaware while you go about your day pursuing the things you have been warned to stop putting first in your life. My word is truth. I never change and you do. You allow your feelings to change the way you think. You allow others to change how you walk with me. You allow false teachers to change your mind and tickle your ears. I AM the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER! I have been long suffering, but now is the time to say goodbye to what you used to know. This world you so love will end and you will be caught in it’s demise. My word has given you all the answers but you still don’t know it for yourself. I have warned my people for many years and now is the time. It is time for this age of grace to end. My grace will end for mankind. Judgment is here. My righteous judgment. Many will perish. You will not believe your eyes. I have warned you to get right with me and to stop believing the lies from my enemy. But you refuse. My watchmen have warned of sudden destruction. You will not comprehend how fast this destruction will occur. Within one hour!! Yes! My word is truth. Within one hour you will see sudden destruction. Many will perish in this and will not see it finish. My righteous judgment is here. Repent now! Your time is coming to an abrupt end.
Bride! Make yourself ready. I see you my bride. Be encouraged. All things are set for your entrance into my kingdom. I will come to take you to safety at the perfect moment. Do not fear what man can do to you. I am yours and you are mine. I have overcome this world. I have overcome them who mock and scoff. My love for you is greater than any other. I am coming! I am coming! I am coming fast! Draw near to me and I will strengthen you until the very end.
Stand bold my watchmen. Your job is soon over and I will call you home. The mockers and scoffers will hear your voice no more. You have warned them as I have commanded you. Your obedience is great and it is recorded. Your treasure has been stored up in heaven. But your reward is also with me. Be ready my beautiful bride. Your bridegroom is coming!
I received these words while typing up the last post to share. I was talking to the Lord and said that if he ever wants to give me direct words to share, I would be obedient and share. That’s when the Holy Spirit immediately started speaking. I have never experienced such a quickening in my spirit to write again while finishing up the previous words of warning I was just given. I didn’t even get to share the current words I was given yet when the Holy Spirit told me to write. He kept speaking to my heart to Warn the Wicked. He said start writing. That’s when he gave me these words to write down in my journal. He said, “Come to me my Children”. As soon as I started writing those words down the Holy Spirit started to speak directly through me as he sometimes does. Please take heed to all of them, and surrender your heart today. God sees our heart. He knows exactly who has their heart focused on him, and who has their heart focused on the things of this world. We don’t know how much time is left, but we do know the season we are in according to the word of God. The evidence is all around us, but our heart must not be blinded, and filled with darkness, desiring the things of this world in order to see the truth. Humble yourself today, because tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
-Justin Adkinson
A Watchman until I am called home
Original Article Can Be Found Here