War, Terror & Sackcloth
Patti Huson
The Lord has been talking to me all morning in the kitchen, he has spoken to me things lately but he has not told me to share. This morning he has shown me that I am to share the words he has given me. America is a nation that needs to repent, for our soon coming King is at the very door and he comes as a Judge, a Lion and a King. God alone is the defender of those who are His, those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes, those who are lovers of Truth, those who have declared his name and his word.
I keep hearing war and terror and
sackcloth. I kept hearing the word
sackcloth. I knew it was the Holy
Spirit talking to me. I was wondering
is this the men and women of God
wearing sackcloth Lord? The Lord
said to me “No these are the kings
in the land that will mourn. The Lord
said and they will be torn asunder
and soon be wearing sackcloth.
The Lord said to me
“The ones who have
been wandering in the
wilderness, these will be
raised up in Kingship and
Glory, for they are mine,
they are my beloved and
there is much work to be
done before my return”
The Lord said “The worn and the weary shall
become anew. These are accompanied by me,
I am your shield, your buckler, your defense. I
alone shall perform all of these things spoken
in the heavens and the earth. The nations
shall fear, they shall tremble, for I AM come
to expose all of these things that oppose
me, that defy me, that are against me. I have
humbled my own, they have borne my shame
they have trembled in my presence when
have stood before them as their God, and now
I shall come and destroy a nation who has
opposed these my little ones. I am coming
to uplift and exalt them and they shall know
that these are mine from my kingdom. I alone
have done these things in secret and l alone
shall exalt the ones that I have called by my
name. Who shall oppose that I AM, who shall
come against these? My name l shall defend.
I declare the things that are truth and I shall
tear down all that are lies. Woe, woe, woe unto
the inhabitants that lie in the kingdom of the
dark one, woe, woe, woe unto those who have
made their own flesh as their own gods and
idols. With flames and fire and fervent heat I
shall tear these down. For I alone am Jehovah
and none other shall mine serve for they are
called by my name for I AM the beginning and I
AM the end.
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