By Rachel Baxtor
April 22nd, 2017 – Word from the Lord
To my children, I say this: Awake. Awake now. The time for sleeping has past. I am not calling you into labor, but into rest in me. (Hebrews 4) You have been resting in the ways of this world, slumbering through this life. You forget that it was I that made you and it will be I that calls you to account for your life lived. (Romans 14:12)
I am raising up an exceedingly great army. (Ezekiel 37:10) Will you enlist? For I have already drafted you, grafted you in through my son. You have been called so stop waiting for the invitation. Your orders have already gone out, yet you refuse to step forward when your name is called.
Come to me. Stand where I place you. I have created the perfect post for you, matched uniquely to you, my perfect creation. I don’t think like you. You see a need and then you try to meet it – attempting to fit yourself to that need. I created you to perfectly fit the need, fitting it to you, not you to it. (Romans 8:28-29) I do not see what you see. But I invite you to come up to where I am so that you can see what I see. (Ephesians 2:6)
Close your eyes. Breathe me in. See with your heart all that I have placed within you.
The war is already being waged in the heavenlies. It must come to this earth and it will play out according to my purposes. (Revelation 12:7-8) I will use it to displace my children living in foreign lands who have forgotten their heritage, their blood line in me. You see, Satan knows what is coming, so he caused a move of his children into the lands where my children live. (Think mass Syrian refugee crisis going on right now.) This was a dark and tainted move caused to bring confusion and disorder. The move of the Almighty army is coming, and like Satan, I will also use war, to unseat my sons and daughters who have become lazy and backslidden.
You have married the enemy but I will cause the flesh to tare. (Deuteronomy 7:3) I will have my children back. Every one. I stir in your blood even now. I created a deep place inside of you that sits empty, but it stirs at my word. It stirs at the presence of Holy Spirit. It can only be filled, satisfied by me alone.
Over and over again my prophets have proclaimed this time. (Jeremiah 4, 30 and 31, Zechariah 7 and 8, Isaiah 13, 21, 54, and 66, Micah 4 and 5)
My word speaks of it so why are you surprised that I would call you home. What was will be again. There is nothing new under the sun! What I have done I will do again. I led my people out of Egypt into the Promised Land (Book of Exodus) and I will lead my lost children, Israel out of their place of captivity in Babylon. (A remembering of the ten plagues that were used by God against Pharoah so that he would let God’s people go. In the same way, the Book of Revelation speaks of the judgments that will come against those that hold captive the children of God.)
War is coming. The drums of war are beating. Will you come now, or will you wait to be ravaged? One way or the other, you will come out.
The enemy has told a lie. He has divided my children, Judah and Israel. He has caused a deep disillusion to fall on my children. See, I have one family. I will join them back together. (Ezekiel 37:15-28). I have 12 sons, not two or three. (God the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – renamed Israel who had 12 sons). Do not think that I would forget about Joseph – Ephraim and Manasseh. They have not been lost to me and I will call each one home to me.
(There is significant historical and geographical evidence that shows that the ten northern tribes, after the time of David and Solomon around 900BC, were driven out of the land God had given to them after their disobedience by the Assyrians and Babylonians, and settled in the land that is now Europe to the north, and other lands to the east and west. The Lord led me to study this. Specifically, I believe God has shown me that Americans are descendants of Joseph, either through Ephraim or Manasseh. See the Biblical account in Chronicals and Kings. The southern tribes became known as Jews made up of the tribe of Judah, Benjamin, and some Levites. All twelve tribes make up the true body of Israel. Today, most people think of just the Jews (Tribe of Judah) as the Israelites but this is not truth. All Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews. When God speaks of His children, He is talking to all 12 tribes. This is critical to understand.)
Ask me and I will tell you, even now. Ask me if you are a son or daughter? I will speak truth into your heart. If my blood flows in your veins, I will cause you to feel it. The inheritance is yours to claim.
(Be assured that God can graft anyone in to His body. It is not beyond His capacity to even change our blood! When the Israelites fled Egypt under God’s direction through Moses, many peoples of all kinds of ethnicities came along and were considered Israelites. This is not about skin color or any outward sign. This is about the heart inside of each of us that only God can see.)
A king and his family have no power in another land. You live in the land of your enemies now. Why are you surprised that you have no power or authority? Come back to me, to the land I have given you and you again will receive your birthright. Just as the prodigal son did. (Luke 15:11-32) Though you have sinned in every way, spitting on the holiness and righteousness of my son, I will receive you even now. Turn and come back to me.
I will reveal a great mystery to you this day: before you see Jesus come on the clouds (Matthew 24:30), He will come first to dwell in the temple He bought and paid for on the cross. Yes, He will come in the fullness as He promised. He will co-habit every son and daughter (His temple) who have made themselves ready. (1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16). Like the 5 virgins who have made their lamps ready (Matthew 25), He will come and indwell them. This will happen very soon. Have you made yourself ready?
The signs in the heavens proclaim the times we are living in. (I believe He is pointing to the August 21st – solar eclipse across the whole United States, and Sept. 23rd sign of Revelation 12.)
I am a good, good father to reveal my plans to my children who walk in light. Do you walk in light, or have you allowed dim places to continue to thrive? (1 Thess. 5:1-6). Like the leaven, sin must be fully swept away from your life, so that Jesus can take up residence. (1 Corinthians 5:7). He comes to a Holy and blameless generation, not by what you have done, but by what He has done. But the choice is yours. Will you let Him come and have his way in this hour?
The latter rain is coming in the first month (Joel 2:23). Will you be ready? Ask me to burn away all unrighteousness in your life now, in this moment. Ask me to show you any sin that remains, that you may repent. Turn away from this world and turn into my loving arms.
My kingdom is coming. My will be done. The times will reach their fulfillment soon. (Ephesians 1:9-10). Are you ready? Ask me and I will show you your post. Ask me if I would have you leave this land to return home. (Revelation 18:4) Ask me and I will lead you. Live not in the valley of decision any longer for soon it will flood and you will be washed away by the torrents. (Joel 3:14)
Children, come to me, for my kingdom is at hand. (Mark 1:15)