April 13, 2022 4:31 PM
Anonymous One
Child, write this word down for me.
As all is being exposed My children, you must now come to the realization that the end must take place after I gather My Harvest.
The days of the wicked are numbered and their punishment for the evil committed will be far greater than anyone can imagine. I did not sit idly by and not keep records of all that has been done. I will destroy all the evil off the face of this earth. (Rev. 20:15)
America is complicit in all the crimes against humanity and for this reason destruction comes. They have spilled so much innocent blood for decades upon decades, generations upon generations and now it is time for this vile nation to reap what it has sown. You are now witnessing how more and more blood is being spilled on your streets. Lawlessness has become the new norm. (1 John 3:4)
The Son of Perdition to be-Anti-Christ is in the background orchestrating events with those who have joined hands with him willing to murder to gain more kingdoms and territories that they will never receive in the end. Oh how they will throw their fists in the air cursing me as they burn for all eternity!
I did not come to bring peace on earth but a sword. (Matt 10:34-36) You are living in the end of the age to come and what will be will be, though none can fully comprehend My Master Plan that has been ordained from the beginning.
I AM is about to reveal My power through my chosen vessels; miracles and healings will prove to many that I am the One and Only True Living God! You, my children, will see a display never witnessed before. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. What the wicked have done, I can restore! This will be done for an allotted time to bring My own who are lost back to me. Do not get too comfortable; the wicked will flee for a time and then again return and at the appointed time the heavens and earth will be rolled up like a scroll. (Isa 34:4; Rev 6:14) All those who are mine will be free and already home with me.
My chosen will work the fields as they are led by me. To those who refuse even then to repent and return your only reward will be to go to the master you follow and to lie in the beds you have made for yourselves. Simply put, you will perish and your name will be removed from the Book of Life. (Rev 20:15)
The harvest is ripe as the darkness darkens. This is a time like never before: a war between good and evil. You will see both-as so much evil is in your midst yet this is also the time I will do My finest work! What is about to come will shock all, including some of My Elect. Again, I say, get your spiritual house ready and with fear and trembling pray that you will be found worthy to escape what is coming. (Luke 21:36) Pray without ceasing!!
All that has been ordained will be fulfilled and then My Kingdom on earth shall be established and I shall rule with a rod of iron. (Rev 2:27) For now, my kingdom work shall be done through My chosen vessels, My Army for My Will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. All will see my love, mercy and grace; to set the captives free. (Isa 61:1; Luke 4:18-19; Mark 5:1-20)
I have spoken. I am the Lord. My glory I will not share with another. (Isa. 42:8)
That is all child.
A few minutes later I heard him say out of love for His people: Come to me, all who are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Lay your burdens down at my feet. I long to heal you, for you to be with Me. I LOVE YOU! (John 6:35; Matthew 11:28-30)