October 14, 2021 4:12 PM
Teri Hennessey
Oct 14,2021 @ approx 2:30PM
My daughter write my words,
My child, time is so short now. As each day and night passes, we draw ever so close to the day that will wake up the world. My shaking is coming; this shaking is My mighty alarm that will be sounded throughout all the earth for all ears. Wake up My sleeping church, destruction is upon you. Wake up and call out to Me for I AM the only salvation in your midst. The only hand that can deliver you and lead you into eternal glory. My Bride, the day is upon this sleeping world. Prepare! Prepare your hearts, minds, and spirits, for if you do not prepare, you too will fall prey to fear.
I did not give My Bride a spirit of fear. I gave you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. These, you must have and be strong and steadfast so that you will not waver, when all is falling around you. This will wake up My church and lukewarm believers and will cause even the hardest of hearts to repent. My harvesters will go out and reap; with the help of My mighty angels, I will bring home so many that were lost.
This wake up call is yet more of My mercy. For I could have just taken those belong to Me and left the rest to perish, but My mercy, My compassion, My love for you My lost sheep, is beyond your comprehension. But oh how blessed, you will feel knowing I decided to give you one last call to salvation before My wrath pours out on this earth and the evil that inhabits it. How grateful you will be for bringing you home in this harvest. My children,
My Bride has prayed for your lost souls; she has laboured; weeping and lamenting; calling upon Me for mercy. She has fasted and prayed and I have been so moved by My beloved, I am willing to move and act on behalf of My own to save those who were ultimately destined for eternal separation. My faithful ones are the reason for your salvation. Thank your brethren for praying for you, for their hearts genuinely long to see you saved.