Waiting with Open Arms – 278pikelk
Posted on July 10, 2018
My daughter, write My words for those with yours to hear. My children, the sin that you live in does have consequences. Your sin removes My peace from you, My loves. Not only does it remove My peace, but it blocks you from receiving My blessings. I am always beside you, this is true, but when your mind is distracted by anything, I cannot work within you. I cannot work within your heart to bring you even closer to Me. Ask to be filled with My Holy Spirit, My children, for He is your power. Ask to be filled with My Holy Spirit to overflowing. Ask that I put you in situations and positions where you can love and care for others. Ask that I use you to present Me. Every soul I have utilized to share My grace Gospel message was once lost. I can use anyone in, My loves, to share My gospel and to plant My seeds of grace and mercy. See this, My children. Present yourself to Me right where you are and expect that I will manifest My will in and over your lives. I am not a God of inaction. Though My timing may not be your timing, I am working intricate details out within your journey down to your next step and your next breath. You must trust in faith, My children. You must trust that even though things may seem hopeless, that I am in ultimate control of all things. Do not give up on yourselves, My children, for I will lift you up and out of your current situation. I will remove from you your addictions and pain. My power is the same as it has always been, but the plot of the enemy is to say that I don’t exist and that there is no power in My anointing. This has allowed your earth to become a very dark place, for few walk in My power because they fear men. My power is discounted and simply delegated and relegated to another place in time. This has all been employed by the enemy to spread his darkness and evil across humanity. The great deception is that I am no longer, that I am not the Creator, that I do not exist, that I cannot restore relationships, that I cannot heal, that I want to punish and do not love My creation. As God, I came upon your earth and shed My human blood, and though I came as a man, I never ceased being God. I am omnipotent. I am all-seeing. I am all-knowing. Do you think that I don’t know or understand your struggle? You are wrong. I know every heart. Do you think I don’t experience your afflictions? You are wrong. I am the I AM, and your struggles and afflictions are Mine. There is nothing you experience that I have not experienced. I am going through all that you go through right along with you. It is placed in men’s hearts to want paradise, all men for all time. Some are deceived and will try to find paradise through their own evil ways. This is how the enemy subdues their minds and convinces them that, by hurting or even killing themselves or others, they will inherit paradise and life after death. I call upon you, My children. Seek My truth. Love one another and set your faces upon Me. My glory is here. My power is here. My healing is here. My redemption is here. Do not wait until you need to call upon Me. Call upon Me now. I will not reject the pleas of My creation. I stand waiting with open arms to receive you. There is not one other who wishes to search your heart. There is not one other who will lift you up and out of your sin. There is no other that created you. I created you to love you. Receive My love and see what happens. I am the name above all names, and I loved all that I created. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob