Patti Huson
July 31, 2018
I had this vision at 3:30 today, very vivid, very clear. It was like I was physically there in front and saw all of this.
I just had a vision
I saw the dragon, satan, raging and charging against angels who were holding him back, smoke was coming out of his nose. I saw this very clear before me. Then I heard “Trump will be destroyed, then war”
I saw Obama forcing himself into the White House, he was pointing at people in there and having each one arrested and removed.
He had arrest warrants already in his hands. The Lord told me those who oppose him as their new leader the least, he will leave them, but, those who oppose him and know who he is and what his works are, he already has arrest warrants to remove them, he will hunt them down.
The Lord told me “all the plans of man to remove him will be to no avail, it is the dragons time on earth for each and every man to be tested. It is their time to choose…” The Lord said “there will be no peace on the earth and nowhere to hide only in me”
If you are not in the fire right now you need to look down at your feet, because that means you’re not on the narrow road, you’re on the wide road, believe me….