Buffy Hamilton
The Lord woke me up last night at 4:00 am. I went into prayer. I heard in the spirit these words. “1 out of 3” then I had a quick vision of words going up on a screen like movie credits. I was trying to read them all but all I could make out was the words “BIG” and then I see the words “SALT LAKE CITY UTAH” After this I see a quick vision of a mushroom cloud. I start praying for this CITY and an angel of the Lord spoke to me and said,
“Many people will be hurt”. And that was the end of it. This morning I called my sister Briana Cooper who lives in Utah. ( not salt lake city) and she told me that this is where the Mormon temple is located. I dont know everything about this religion except i know that they do not believe that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!! Please pray for this CITY and pray for the Mormons that the LORD will send ministering angels to them so they will come to know the truth and REPENT! That JESUS CHRIST is the Messiah that HE is
KING OF Kings and LORD OF Lords and HE is the only way to the FATHER! Please take all to pray. Its getting closer for the LORDS return my people. Seek JESUS while we still have time. I love you all in the name of The MOST HIGH GOD! Luvbuf…😑 please share especially if you know anyone who lives in the state of Utah.