By Sharlene R.
Vision #33 Feb 26/18 early evg.
I was about to go down the stairs to the vision area and I looked to my left. I saw a veiled Altar of Incense with grey wisps of smoke rise from it. I knew that the smoke was from the prayers of the Believers. I went to the vision room area. I greeted my friend and we looked at the screen. It opened to me sitting in a canoe seeing in that perspective. I was on a beautiful pristine lake, smooth like glass surrounded by mountains. It was breath taking. I heard a roar above me and I looked up to see a bright light and a row of thick smoke behind it. I knew immediately it was a meteor. I went up to follow it to see where it would go. It went over the mountains and it hit a city situated in a valley surrounded by mountains. The entire city was destroyed. I asked if this is a Canadian or an American city and I didn’t get a confirmation either way. But when I googled a city surrounded by mountains and was by a lake, Salt Lake City, Utah came up. I sensed that there is judgment coming to this city. I prayed for confirmation. I asked Jesus if this is the city in question and He replied “Yes.” Jesus mentioned that “They have twisted the Word of God and their foundation is based on a lie.” I understood that He was referring to Mormonism.