Jamad Scott
April 7, 2018
I had a vision from The Holy Spirit last night 04-06-17 of Russia attacking The USA and it made me very afraid and felt so real.
After I saw The Fall of The USA I saw all The souls who rejected The Truth burning In Hell
and in The vision of Hell words can’t even explain how horrible Hell is and I saw so people in Hell screaming “Jesus please have mercy on my soul” I would never want someone to go there.
I have had many dreams and visions of Russia coming but last night it felt like it’s about to happen and everything is to set Up for WW3 if you just look for it.
Every one needs to be in prayer
repenting while Grace and mercy is still on the Earth because The USA will fall and burn Jesus has shown me so many times and now it’s up to you to get your house in Order before these things come to pass.
I don’t know when it will all happen but I feel it in my soul this is nothing to blow off and The USA The Daughter of Babylon will have to face her Judgement very soon.