God just told me he is the defender
of his people, and of this nation, that
he allows and he disallows, and that
he will continue to let the enemy go
so far and then his hand will be out~
stretched before him (the enemy) So,
again, there are limits in what satan
can and cannot do. God has always
set boundaries with satan, all through
the bible, like he did with Job. Godis our defender, the man of war who
goes before us. Psalms 43 song
The Lord just gave me another vision. I saw Obama as a king, seated
on a throne made of gold looking
like king Pharoah. He was dressed
in Pharaoh’s Clothes, all gold, and
he was holding a scepter across
his arms. He had a gold head piece
atop his head, and the surrounding
around him were all like Egypt.
Then Obama said ” I am Roman, I
am Jew, I am Christian I am Belial.”
I didn’t know what belial meant, I had to Google it.