
Vision – Angela Woodall

Vision – Angela Woodall

May 2, 2016

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in the name of Jesus Christ,

I write this letter to the church, not in my own authority, but in the authority of Jesus Christ, to forewarn, edify, correct, prepare, and unify (with a common goal) the body of Christ.
We are coming into a time of trial on earth like nothing ever seen before. But the Spirit of the Lord is saying “Fear not! For I, the Lord, am with you and I go before you to prepare your path. Seek me and I will be found of you. By my Spirit, I will strengthen you. I will keep you, and guide your steps. Seek me and the will of The Father early and you shall find me. Then I will gather you. You will be my people and I shall be your God. Trust in me and all will be well. I will make for you a way of escape.” With that being known, let us move on to the task at hand.
We are entering into a season of preparation. There are series of events that will occur that will shake anything that can be shaken. There will be much that happens quickly and the body of Christ must be ready. This is the vision that was given through dreams, visions, inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and guidance through the written word of God. I pray that The Lord stir your spirit to receive the word the Lord is speaking to his church. We have to be prepared. There are many people coming to our churches and temples. The harvest is ripe and the laborers are ready and anxious to work, but we must know what we are to do. If we will hear and obey the word of the Lord, we will have what we need to feed, clothe, minister to, prosper, and grow the saints that are coming. Before we proceed any further, please, take this opportunity to stop and pray.

Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we come seeking you and your kingdom. We come seeking your Holy Spirit, speak to us and stir up Holy strength, anointing, and visions that were once dormant. Visions that were put in us since before the foundation of the Earth was laid. We ask that you would anoint our ears to hear what you would say, the eyes to see the bigger picture, the tongue to speak your truth of your word and of your kingdom, and the heart to serve each other in truth and in love. We ask you to guide us, direct us, minister to us, and hand place us into our preordained positions. Stir in us the gifts and callings that you have put in us. Let us go forth under your mighty hand, with your power, hope and Godly love, displaying the fruits of your spirit thus proving your Holy word. Guide, direct, and protect, as we go forth to do your will. We give you what is yours, all the honor, all the glory and all the praise. We know that without you we can do nothing but with you all is possible. Father we ask you at this very moment to open doors that have been locked, increase anointing, and bless the fruit of our hands as we go forth to build your kingdom; in Jesus’s mighty name.

Let he that has the ears to hear, hear what is being spoken to the church, by the Holy Spirit.

As we draw nearer to the great day of the coming of the Lord, we must be diligent to prepare the way of the Lord. There will be great trials and tribulations that will come, but see that you FEAR NOT, the Lord himself has made a way for his children; a way of escape. By his written word, and revelation of his Holy Spirit, the Father himself will guide, direct, and protect. Repentance, prayer, fasting, and seeking his face will be vital as we walk through the days ahead.

We will see an escalation in evil all around, do not fear, these things have to come before the great day of the coming of the Lord. We must prepare! Great multitudes will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because obedient servants will have been sent ahead to prepare a place for them. There will be a series of events that will unfold that will shake people to their very souls. They will flood into the churches and temples. Many will come with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs. They will have no home to go home to. They will be scared, grieving, and bewildered. The body of Christ must be prepared to minister, to guide, direct, feed, and clothe these people. These events will happen suddenly and without earthly warning. So there is no time to waste, and the first step deals with restoration within the church.
To the shepherds of the saints already in the house; the word of God is very clear that to be an honorable servant, a man must have his house in order; master and keeper of order in his household; forever vigilant of the affairs and standings of that household; moving in sternness yet fair and loving. How much more should it be in the house of God? Brothers and Sisters let it be proclaimed in your house and in God’s house, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”.

It is time to get the house in order. We are given specific instructions that the word of God is profitable to be used for teaching, reproof, correction, and training. A man has to have the whole truth to be equipped to do the work of the Lord. It is time to put an end to foolish bantering in the house of God. As a single unit, the house must continually seek the Lord. Repentance, prayer, and fasting must be brought back into the church and taught over again. It will come to naught if a people try to build for the Lord but don’t seek earnestly after him with prayer and fasting. It is as untempered mortar; it may look good, but when the wall is built and the heat of the day comes, that mortar will dry out, crack, and fall away. When that happens, the wall will lose all stability and come crashing down with great noise. It is vanity and it will come to naught. Pray, fast, and seek the Lord continually. When a people will humble themselves and pray, God will hear their cry and heal their land. Healing comes in many forms, Our Father desires to pour his spirit out on his people like never before, and we must have His spirit and His guidance every step of the way. Without Him we can do nothing!

As it was with Moses as he led the Israelites out of Egypt, there were so many people; he needed help. You also will need help.
Our Father in heaven, the one that created all and is all sees this need. Laborers will be sent to you to build and serve the Lord with you in truth. Be aware, your discernment should be strong and sharpened by reason of use. Many will come in the name of the Lord to build with you, but be forewarned not all that come crying Lord, Lord are with us. An intimate relationship with the Lord will be required to stay ahead of the tactics of the enemy. Once you see the handy work of the enemy, seek the Lord and handle the situation. No more will it be said, “Let’s just pray and let the Lord handle it”. Pray, watch, and wait. Once you have guidance from the Lord, stand strong, be obedient, and handle the situation. Too long have serious issues gone unhandled and not dealt with in the house of God. This leads to lack of justice in the house and ultimately to unjust scales. Where there is no justice the scales are not balanced, and unjust scales lead to bitterness in the house of God. God despises unjust scales. As fellow bondservants arrive and are proven, a government will begin to form. The vision for this is quite simple, but very effective.

First, we must understand that the oil flows from the head down to the beard, down to the hem of the garment. So is it with the anointing of God. The Holy three of the God head, Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, are our head; being all, before all, creator of all. From there the anointing flows down to the Earthly head of the flock, the Pastors. From there the anointing will flow, by levels all the way down to the harvested. Repentance, prayer, and fasting are what keeps the oil flowing. If you detect a blockage in the flow of oil, go back. You will find that there has been slack in one of those three areas. Go back, fix the problem, and then the anointing will flow again. Any that seek will find, and all that find will know the truth.

Start re-teaching the saints how to repent, fast, and pray. This time God will intensify the teaching by his spirit and the word will be received in the hearts of the hearers. There is strength in numbers. The saints have to know how to seek and pray. The common goal will unite and when saints unite and agree, nothing but God himself will be able to stop them. God will always reserve the right to shut something down. A heavenly set of scales for checks and balances; this will prevent another Tower of Babel. Brothers and Sisters our God has thought of everything. All we have to do is get in touch with him and he will show us every detail. How great is our God?!
As people receive of the Lord, they will develop a new zeal for serving, not only the Lord, but each other; moving in unity, love, and mercy. Each person will receive a stirring from the Lord, a vision, an instinct that has been in them since before the Earth began, will spring forth. As these visions and instincts increase, group together those with similar visions and instincts. Iron sharpens iron. Let them sharpen each other in their gifts and callings. Put the teachers with teachers, musicians with singers, etc. etc. With much prayer and fasting, over these groupings, place a representative to stand as a spokesman for that group. Those representatives will be responsible for the section of the flock they are over. They will also settle disputes between the brethren in their care. Do this quickly that bitterness does not spring up. An unresolved aught is poison. Let there be fair justice in the gates. All must have a voice. All are vital. No one any more important that the other.
Take heed that each man walks worthy of a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, in his own calling. Crossing callings into an area that a person wasn’t called will cause strife. Let each man handle his own business of his own calling. If a person walks outside their call, they will be in danger of becoming a busy body. Coming against things they don’t understand, speaking evil of what is good and esteeming that which is evil. This will open a door for dissention to enter in to the body like a disease. God hates dissention amongst the brethren. Take heed not to give place to the devil, but stay in your own calling and follow fully after God. He is forever our guide, our fortress, and our rock. Seek him and he will keep our feet on the solid, unfaltering foundation.
As with any functioning government, there must be a justice system. These are The Men of Three. They will have the anointing of Solomon. They will have great wisdom, insight, and fairness. These CANNOT be appointed by man. These three have to be anointed and placed by God. These are the judges in the house of God. Part of an orderly and structured government, first being the God head, then the Pastor, then the Men of Three, then the representatives, and then down from there to the saints, then to the harvest. The oil runs from the head down.
Esteem those in positions of authority, but give glory to no man. All glory belongs to God. He is a jealous God and he desires glory, honor, and praise from his children. He is the creator of all; he will not allow the creation to be praised above the creator of all. Without Him we can do nothing. Submit yourselves to God and his will and he will show us great and wonderful things. God will not force any man to worship, seek or serve Him; but rest assured brothers and sisters, there is a heaven to be gained and a hell to be shunned. With this in mind, let us turn our eyes to heaven and set our hearts to serve the Lord, with all of our hearts, souls, and minds.

Take heed of your spirit that no man deceive you. The day of the Lord is approaching quickly and the devil works in man to deceive and misguide God’s people. Be wise to his tactics. Seek God, pray, fast, and serve each other in love and in unity, resolving conflict quickly, lifting no man higher than you ought. Worship and seek only after God and he will guide and direct each step that we take as we press toward the mark of our higher calling. Let us go now and prepare a place for the harvest, for its coming upon us quickly; praying blessings and mercy on the body of Christ. May God richly bless you with his wisdom, bless you with his anointing, and bless you with his favor.
Let us move on now to details about the coming harvest. There will be a multitude of people flooding the churches. They will come from the North, South, East, and West. They will come to the churches because the spirit inside them will tell them that there is safety there. It will happen suddenly and the church will be over whelmed if we are not prepared. There will be all sorts of different people coming. They will be scared, grieving, and bewildered. Take them in and minister to them.
The harvest to come will be comprised of all kinds of people, from all walks of life. They will come beat up, addicted, homosexual, tattooed, with multicolored hair, and piercings. These are the ones the Lord desires. See that you refuse none of them. See that you don’t call common what the Lord calls clean. Be prepared to ignite and kindle the soul cleansing fire of the Holy Spirit. A man only comes by the pulling of the Spirit. Remember we were once all lost ourselves, bound for hell and quite content in our sin and uncertainty, until we came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We were saved by His grace. Extend that invitation to those that come. Our Lord has mercy and compassion on us. Extend the same to them. Mercy and grace are comparable to forgiveness, the amount you give to others directly dictates how much you receive. Give so that it may be given unto you. Forgive that you may be forgiven. We are all sinners saved by the grace extended to us through Jesus Christ. Be sure the house is in order. This will be new to many that will come. They will follow the examples set before them. If the house is rebellious and full of unruly members, that is what they will immolate. Do not wait to restore order. Once the harvest comes time will have run out to establish order, and chaos and rebellion will overtake the house. Hear the word of the Lord and prepare. Take lesson from Eli, the priest. Ruin comes to the rebellious house. Seek the Lord, and be obedient in all things and he will guide, direct, and protect.
There will also be ministers coming. These ministers will cover a multitude of needs. They will carry in them a vision. Some will have a vision for food, some for clothes, some for children, some for finances, etc. Let them build. The financing for all that needs to be done will be sent to the people of God that have a vision(for their area of construction). Do not come against them just because of the ways the Lord will get the money to them may not be in conventional ways. There will be a true transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked to the hands of the wise. The ones chosen to be given the finances will have the vision to build. Another will have the vision for how to utilize what is built, and still others will build upon the vision until all is in order. The Lord will send all that is needed to do this to the people that will seek him with prayer and fasting. Pay close attention to the widows, the elderly, and the orphans. Protect them. The weakest in the body are to be surrounded by the strong. It is the church’s duty to supply for them and to protect them. Our Father will provide us with all we need, to do what he has put in us to do. Pray that these things don’t come upon us in the winter.

As for the food and the clothes, the instructions I have are designed by The Lord himself to ensure that the body of Christ and the harvest, will have a store house of food and clothing for the time to come. There will be businesses and farms set up to supply jobs for now and provision for later. We will not buy food. We must grow the food. For the food we will need to follow the example set forth by Joseph in the time before Egypt’s famine. Twenty percent (20%) put into store houses. We will also need to follow the premise of gleaning for the poor, and we will have to use heirloom seeds, and harvest seeds from crops. Maximize use of every inch of land. Seek the Lord to see exactly what you need to plant. We must get back to the old paths of planting. Use mechanized equipment but always think on terms of hand planting and harvesting. There will come a time where we will have to work land by hand. The twenty percent (20%) that goes to the store house should be dehydrated and canned. Do not put stored food in freezers or anything that requires electricity. While each area is specialized for certain crops, we will trade with other food ministries for the things we need. Always measure; trade and sell with fair scales. Farms that are for animals will supply meat, fertilizer, and other provisions. Every food ministry will have specialty crops. Each one is tradable. Utilize everything possible. Let nothing go to waste. Twenty percent (20%) must go to store house. Leave the corners for gleaning and seed harvest. What is left will be eaten, traded, and sold. The land must rest on the seventh (7th) year. What is left after everything of use has been harvested, burn and turn back into the ground for its nutrients. Every little thing works together. The Lord will guide, multiply, and direct. Be obedient. The body of Christ will need the food in the store houses to feed the people that are coming. Do not get over-whelmed. God will help us.
The clothes that will be needed will be supplied through ministers that have a vision for thrift stores and other clothing stores. This will create jobs and also supply storage for the clothes needed. God will touch the hearts of people to donate the clothes, buy clothes, and be a blessing to others. While we wait for the need of the clothes, use this as a way to help churches provide for needs in the community. Do not worry about the laborers. God’s people are looking for places to work and serve. Provision will come when the vision is full in the ministers. God will provide all that is needed.


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