Blessed be our Lord God and Savior Yeshua ha’Machiach, the King of kings and Lord of Lords who has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He hides wisdom from the wise to reveals it to babes, and does nothing without revealing His secrets to His servants.
Brethren, I received a brief but profound vision towards the end of 2017 or at the beginning of 2018. I believe it will be of great encouragement to the body of Christ and all who are watching and waiting for His return.
I was suddenly in the vision, Lo and behold, our precious Lord and Savior was in front of me about 10 meters (yards) away. I had the special knowledge that we were somewhere in Jerusalem, Israel.
He was kneeling on the ground, writing with His right forefinger on sandy soil. He wore the traditional Jewish attire for men, and it was clean and white. He had a “prayer shawl” covering His head and shoulders. The shawl was drawn back on His head a little bit, so that I saw His hair fall to His shoulders as He was leaning forward to write on the ground. He resembled a lot of what is portrayed of Him in many pictures, but He looked much younger and much more handsome.
He scribbled down on the ground as though He was doing some calculations or drawing up a strategy. He did this with seriousness, much thought and planning. I could not see what He wrote as I was 10 or so meters (yards) away.
As He wrote with His right forefinger, a little green seedling sprouted from the ground right next to His right hand. Then He stopped writing and looked at the seedling. He then reached out with His right hand and grabbed the seedling and pulled it up. As He pulled the seedling up, it immediately responded and shot out in growth, upwards and in diameter, until it ascended to the sky. He pulled it once more and I was shot back from Jerusalem, Israel to Africa (that is, to Nairobi, Kenya) and witnessed the branches of the tree spread from Jerusalem, Israel and cover the whole earth as I was being thrown backwards!
The vision last only a few minutes and it ended.
Praise God!
Relevant Scriptures:
Luke 1:33 “And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end”
Isaiah 9:7 “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. Upon the throne of David and over His Kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgement and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.”
Psalms 1:3 “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf shall not wither, and whatever He does shall prosper.”
Daniel 5:5 “In the same hour the Fingers of a Man’s hand appeared and wrote …”
Exodus 31:18 “… He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the Finger of God.”
Your brother in Christ, William
Humbled for Service
Nairobi, Kenya