Church, Vision

Vision #406 Part 2: – Sharlene Reimer

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Vision #406 Part 2

The Judgment of the Unrepentant Church, The “Swallowing Up”

8/8/24 10:37 PM
Sharlene Reimer

July 22/24 Mon evg

Just a recap from Part 1: In the previous vision, God had smashed the unrepentant church with His fist. He extinguished the Light of the lampstand/menorah and removed it because His Presence was gone. This judgment is final. Jesus warns the churches in Rev 2-3 and in 2:5 if the church does not repent of their sin He will remove their lampstand/menorah.

I was praising the Lord Jesus in His Throne Room to Leanna Crawford- Rest- and John Rich- Revelation- (a new and powerful song that made the hair on my arms stand up!) Lindell Cooley- Come to The River

I began to pray for all the issues that are heavy on my heart- Israel, Trump, my own nation, my town, the lost and more. After praying in tongues, the Lord gave me more on the vision of the church from Monday, July 6/24.


VISION: I didn’t spend any time in the other areas as I usually do. The vision opened up to see the destruction of the church. God’s fist had smashed it and it lay in piles of rocks, like an old ruin. (see #406 part 1). I saw some people coming out of the church after it was destroyed and they scattered; leaving in different directions. There were some who remained in the church, even after it was destroyed, and there was a small group that had come out and stood together but were further away from the church as if trying to separate themselves. A great Light broke through from the heavens and shone down over the small group that had gathered together. The glory shone on them and they bowed low. Out of the Light, the Lord’s mighty right arm came down with His hand holding a golden scepter and its tip was extended towards those that were bowed before Him. I was reminded of the golden scepter that the king extended towards Queen Esther when she humbly went before him. After the scepter was extended to her, she arose, pardoned. Esther 8:4

Then my perspective changed. I was looking at the ruins of the church in a 3D perspective like Google earth does. The ground and some of the area that the ruins of the church sat on began to shake. It shook like an earthquake and the earth began to split apart. As the crack widened, the ruins began to fall into the deep crack until it had completely disappeared. Nothing remained.


Scattered Church:

Those who scattered from this broken church possibly saw the proverbial writing on the wall and knew they needed to leave. I believe there is hope for them and I pray they will submit their wills to the Lord and repent of their sin. The scattering reminded me of the story of the tower of Babel in Numb 11:1-9. The occurrence is set in post-flood time where the descendants of Noah rebeled against God and built a tower. God changed their languages forcing the production to stop resulting in the scattering of the people. I can’t help but notice the theme of rebellion that remains and hasn’t changed over thousands of years. God will deal with rebellion in His church and I pray they will listen! Remember, change beings in the God’s house! 1 Peter 4:17

Repentant Remnant Church:

The few who came together after the church was crushed, separated themselves from what was remaining. These people represent a remnant that understood they were deceived and needed to repent of their sin and so humbled themselves before God; bowing low and giving Him reverence. The group could represent leadership, sheep or both. The Lord then extended His scepter which represents His Kingship, His Sovereignty, His Authority, His Power and because of His grace (through His Son’s shed blood, death and resurrection), He pardoned them and restored them to Himself. It is my understanding that the testimony of this remnant, will prophesy over others and bring about a harvest. (Rev 19:10 (the angel said), “…I am a servant with you who like your brothers testify about their faith in Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Swallowed Church:

Sadly, those that remained in the church were swallowed up in the earthquake. This is God’s final judgment on the church that refuses to repent. The building may be destroyed spiritually; a ruin in the spirit because God’s Presence is no longer there as they have rejected His truth and are walking in apostasy- but may still be attempting to play church as they go through the motions. This difficult and very sobering vision reminds me of the story in Numb 16:8-33 where God told Moses to separate the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram (about 250 people) from the rest of the people. These men rebelled against God; they stirred up the people against Moses and Aaron so God set them for destruction. Unfortunately, entire families suffered the consequences of rebellious influence as God destroyed everything they were about. “…and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households; all Korah’s men and their possessions. They went down alive into sheol/hell with all they owned. And the earth closed over them and they vanished from the Assembly.”

The Apostle Jude (brother of Jesus) in the book of Jude, warns the Believers/church about the false teachers/false apostles that infiltrated the church and have corrupted them; leading them astray from the true teaching of the gospel of Christ. He describes what leads to apostasy: “…those who have wormed their way in – ungodly people who pervert God’s grace into a license for immorality/debauchery and deny/disown our only Master and Lord, Jesus/Yeshua Messiah…” They slander and are irrational, discontented grumblers and complainers, they only seek to satisfy their own desires, boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. They are like the ungodly characters in the OT of Cain- murderers-(which also includes abortion), Balaam- rushed for profit (love of money) and Korah- which represents rebellion. See also 2 Peter 2

In v 14, Jude quotes Enoch’s prophecy about them saying, “Behold, the Lord is coming with His thousands upon thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment on everyone and to convict all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness and all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

I believe the consequences of the church if they reject all warnings and opportunities to repent from their sin; whose hearts remain hardened, rebellious and prideful, God will set them for destruction. They will be separated from the Lord forever- they will be judged as the prophecy of Enoch warns and like the church that fell into the crack and the earth swallowed them up, they will end in hell.

God desires a spotless and wrinkle free Bride and so He will contend with her. As Jesus said in Rev 2:7, “7 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches…”

Let’s continue to pray for God’s bride- that God would give the leadership and sheep a deep hunger to stay in God’s Word so we can identify clearly truth from false. That leaders and sheep would allow God to heal all woundedness and trauma that they have experienced; as trauma and pain opens doors to the enemy and if not dealt with, will keep them in bondage and will skew their spiritual lenses. Pray that God would increase our discernment so that we can discern those who are being used by the enemy to “worm their way in” and ultimately corrupt the church. May the Lord give the church much wisdom and gentleness to deal with those who are believing lies and become rebellious but also give those who need faces of flint when it’s time to act . May they learn to walk in the fear of God rather than the fear of man. Prov 1:7, Matt 10:28 John 12:42-43

More Scripture:

Is 9:16, For those who guide this people mislead them, and those who mislead are swallowed up.”

Prov 16:18 Pride comes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

1 John 1:9-10 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, He is faith and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His Word is not in us.”

Eph 5:11 Test and prove what pleases the Lord. Have no fellowship/nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them!

Is 30:15 “In repentance and rest is your salvation but you want none of this!”

Prov 29:1 “He who remains stiffnecked after much rebuke will be suddenly and incurably broken.” (some translations say broken beyond healing/destroyed without remedy/shattered beyond recovery.


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