Prophecy, Vision

Vision #35 – The Wedding Supper of the Lamb – Sharlene R.

By Sharlene R.

March 2, 2018 evg

Vision #35 – The Wedding Supper of the Lamb

I went from the Throne Room and as I stood on the top of the stairs, I looked to my left and saw the Altar of incense but veiled. I panned some of the area and as I glanced, the area illuminated brightly then as I continued to move my eyes the area became veiled once again. I saw a little more but not much. I walked to my friend who was clearly wearing a white robe and the Believers/saints were also wearing white robes. I noticed that they all seemed very excited and joyful. I saw a few faces as they were facing one another and joyfully talking but I didn’t recognize them. Someone else waved to me to my right but I didn’t see their face. I greeted them all warmly in the name of Jesus. We turned to the screen. It opened up to a long wide table that started in the foreground and continued straight ahead but I didn’t see it end. It was beautiful, lavished with food and delights beyond understanding. There were chairs on both sides. It was rather veiled but I was thinking it was gold

I saw the Believers/saints standing with Jesus on my left. Then on my right came multitudes of people wearing white robes approaching the table. Jesus then became very tall, wearing a beautiful white robe too and the glory of the Lord filled the area. The area was veiled but Jesus allowed to see a glimpse of it but was too bright for me to see anything. He held his hand out to welcome them. And said “Come, my bride, this is your marriage banquet. I will eat with you and you with Me.” The scene changed to everyone seated and eating enjoying themselves and having a wonderful time! Jesus then said “This is your inheritance- for those who believe in Me, have repented, remain faithful and endure to the end. Look, I am coming soon and my rewards are with me and I will give according to what each person has done.”


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