
Video: Tick Tock! Time is UP! – Monique Bizet

Monique Bizet


Tick Tock! Time is UP!

It’s with great heaviness that I bring this message. I pray you take it to the Lord and seek His counsel for your situation and for your families.

Below is the video

In prayer, The Lord impressed upon me Time is running out and the nation is going to go thru many things. Big things are coming. Great hardships. Ahead of us is a year of trials, a year of much unrest.
I keep hearing the Lord say a Rude Awakening is coming. I believe it’s more than one thing, I don’t know when but we know that big things are coming.

Having said that, NOBODY STOPS THE PURPOSES OF GOD. Even when things are dark all around us, God is with us, we are the light. It is also a year to faithfully work harder to bring in the harvest. To go out to reach lost souls. It’s not a year to sit back and relax, but a year to prepare and work with much fervor for there is much to do for the Kingdom of God.

Judgments are coming and we need to repent and continue to live a repentant life, trust in the Lord and seek Him with all of our hearts. Time is running out.

The Lord is calling His remnant to “arise and fight” [1Ti 6:12 NKJV] 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Spiritual Warfare on the saints is getting more intense and My soldiers need to prepare and fight back with all the tools that I’ve given you.
We need to help each other, and pray pray pray for ourselves, for our families and for each other. The prayers of the righteous avails much.
We need to preach and pray to the lost souls.

We have to pray for the nation, the nations, for the persecuted brothers and sisters

I share in video Isaiah 45 and Psalm 34 The Happiness of Those Who Trust in the Lord


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