Vengeance is mine
April 20, 2020 10:30 PM
Words received in prayer on 4/13/20…
“So much is happening now that must play out for all things to come about. My word is living and true and is being played right before you. The anti-Christ will be revealed soon when all things kick-off at noon. When that day comes so many will be in fear and dread because they have not been led to truth and read the Bible to seek what my word says. Many have been led astray by what the false doctrines say. What you will see coming soon to your land will destroy the gateways of Babylon where all the evil began. For this country has been worshipping the beast at the sacrifice of the least of me (the innocent). So much life has been lost, now the time has come to pay the cost. Vengeance is mine and stands against the test of time. REPENT and turn back to me for judgements you will see in the land of the free. For destruction has already been marked and ready to start. Heed my warnings that have been shared for you to prepare and remain in me no matter what you see.”
Your Heavenly Father
Received by: DaughteroftheLord