Vengeance is Mine! – Benjamin Faircloth
Posted on May 13, 2018
“Oh, nations of fools and those who think I jest (joke) in My resolve. I have not slumbered nor have I closed My eyes to the sin of the nations!
My patience is the only weight that has evened the scales of My judgements. But now My patience has run its course, now I will stand and move My hand towards the East (Middle East)! The Apple of My eye Israel, is the first place I will shake, and her neighbors will tremble!
I am returning to My House to deal with the rebellious in a way they can understand. My Grace is sufficient and My Mercies are renewed, but My judgment must first come to My House! A land divided and a nation who has strayed from Me shall know that I AM the Sovereign King who watches over My people. I have not forgotten My covenant with Abraham and I will never cut off My people. But war will be the wake-up call to their prophetic reality! I have waited patiently for My harvest, the time of My vengeance is here, the time for war has arrived. Get ready for the harvest that will surely come!”
(Scripture reference for this message is Jeremiah 31) To watch or listen to this message go to or You Tube