Use Your Time Wisely!
July 23, 2020 5:28 PM
On 7.4.20 in the early morning hours I heard in my spirit ‘WASTE NOT – USE YOUR TIME WISELY’. I understood the Holy Spirit was reminding me of the need to focus more on Jesus rather than on the distractions of this life. But then I read the ‘Seven Weeks’ article (by Byron Searle posted on this ‘444ProphecyNews’ site) and thought maybe there was something more. Maybe this was A WARNING FOR THE VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME WE HAVE LEFT TO PREPARE OURSELVES SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY FOR WHAT IS TO COME UPON THIS EARTH.
Then I heard ‘READ MY WORD. STUDY MY WORD’ and thought of the time soon to come when the bible will be removed from the earth. I turned to Mark 4:19 which says…
“and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.”
I then felt led to read one of my books – ‘Kingdom Authority’ by Kynan Bridges. In my spirit I heard ‘WRITE IT DOWN IN IN THE BOOK (referring to my notebook) ‘KINGDOM AUTHORITY – TAKE NOTES.’ Jesus has told us repeatedly that His church is not ready to face the evils that will come upon this earth – even though He equipped the saints with many tools of spiritual warfare. We cannot underestimate the power that is in His authority and that He has commissioned to His sons and daughters.
Then I heard ‘IT IS COMING’! In light of everything that we are seeing and hearing I believe this is pointing to whatever is going to happen beginning with the month of September and the months that follow.
At this point I drifted off to sleep. I had a dream in which I was driving a car on my way to church when I hit a truck. I don’t know how that happened even in my dream but then I remembered seeing a wall of darkness rise up in front of me that prevented me from seeing the car in front of me. The wall was totally pitch black in color and no light could penetrate through it. I believe this dream was an allusion to the Three Days of Darkness which seems to be coming upon us.
This morning 7.22.20 I received the same word again from the Holy Spirit – ‘WATCH YOUR TIME – USE IT WISELY’ – a second warning from the Holy Spirit. I took it more seriously this time and stayed up all night in order to finish up a task the Holy Spirit had given me.
Time is moving swiftly now – there’s no question about that. May we use what little time we have left to draw closer to Jesus and to share His message of love and repentance to those around us.
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