May 19, 2020
The Pen
Bibles will soon disappear completely from publication and sale; they will be illegal and criminal material. The Nazis burned books and it will happen again. Bookstores are closed now, but, you can still buy online. Or print off a PDF file and put it in a binder. Do not neglect the Old Testament. The Patristic Fathers are also available on many websites, these ancient texts are solid gold.
Try to find old Bibles as newer publications have been tampered with (gender compliant, political correctness, etc.) or intentionally falsely translated (esp. by so-called Jesus scholars from the 1970’s onwards). When the used bookstores re-open buy Christian materials NOW. Drop your denominational prejudices, get whatever you can Greek, King James Version, Septuagint, Catholic (before 1980). All are the Word of God. These are “the pearls of great price”. Tarry not the times have changed forever.