Warning, America, Biden, Economic Collapse, Israel, War, Word

Urgent – October 14th – Watchman of the Most High

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Urgent – October 14th

10/5/24 7:47 PM
A Watchman of the Most High

The Father has called me to be a watchman to my community, warning them through the use of signs at busy intersections of the sinfulness of American’s and God’s impending judgment on them. Sometimes the message come to me directly thru quiet time/prayer or dreams, and other messages He has confirmed to me multiple times in the Spirit of the truthfulness of the Prophecies Celestial @ The Master’s Voice Prophecy Blog gives, and so I’ll share her words.

One of her words that’s been confirmed to me was this one: Systemic Risk: “It Will All Collapse” – March 21, 2023 – The Master’s Voice Prophecy Blog where she says that every bank in America will crash, and because of that, Joe Biden will step down from office and Kamala Harris will take the Presidency.

Below are the confirmations God has given me that this banking collapse will happen in October, before the US elections:

Confirmation #1.

Matthew24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

The Bible says that we can gain clues about the last days by studying closely the story of Noah.

Genesis 7:1, 4 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation….Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

God told Noah seven days (one week) before a worldwide judgment happened to enter the ark. He has done the same for us in these days.

The constellation Virgo on September 23, 2017, according to the Stellarium sky software. The moon’s size is exaggerated for visibility.

The Revelation 12:1-2 sign happened in the heavens exactly 7 years ago (one week of years) today, because October 5th is the day this year that the woman is clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet. We were given one week, same as Noah, to spiritually enter the ark before another worldwide judgment comes!

Confirmation #2:
Pastors Benjamin Faircloth and Jamie Walden did this podcast last month in which Jamie said around 1hr and 40seconds in that there are multiple confirmations close to and inside the Israeli government that state that they plan to attack Iran on one of the feast days in October. Benjamin Faircloth prophesied to his church 12 years ago that when Israel attacks Iran, God would shut off the financial valve to America, and that it would be blamed on the Jews and the Christian church that supports the Jews. I believe the feast day being referred to here is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which they celebrate on Oct. 12th, which is a Saturday. I observe it on the 14th, based off scripture in Enoch that the new moon actually is counted from the first sliver of light noticed when it comes back from empty. Since this podcast, you can see this prophetically coming true with Iran and Israel on a collision course. “The Coming Fear of the Lord!” with Jamie Walden

The Coming Fear of the Lord!” with Jamie Walden

Confirmation #3:
Stick with me here, this one is amazing. Here is the sign I hold for my community.

Photo by A Watchman of the Most High

Tens of thousands of people in my community have read this sign. It’s based off of The Master’s Voice Prophesy Blog posts, but has also been confirmed to me. I’ve been holding this sign since July. My heart absolutely sank maybe five or six weeks ago when I realized that I may have inadvertently lied with its message. The Word from the Lord was what I originally posted in that Systemic Risk prophecy, that Joe Biden would step down early because of the bank collapse. But for whatever reason, it never clicked for me that Biden’s term is technically not up until January, not the election in early November. When I found this out I began diligently praying to the Father to reveal to me one way or the other if I had lied on the sign so that I could at the very least have some closure, and at best, I could get back out there and warn the people more if He confirmed it to me.

Then I received a dream. In the dream, my wife and I were in a college classroom attending a lecture, and I wanted to take notes, but when I opened my notebook, it was full page impressionist paintings with nowhere to take notes. Other personal information was in this dream, but that’s what is relevant to our purposes here. When I woke up, I realized what this meant. One of the other things I had been praying over was my frustration that I more often than not will forget my dreams upon awakening. God was telling me with this dream to get a notebook and pen and keep it on my nightstand so I can record it ASAP and not lose it. That evening I asked my wife if we had any notebooks like that, and she told me she had my old notebook from last year that I used briefly for 3 months in the same way. I COMPLETELY FORGOT that I had recorded my dreams, thoughts, revelations from May until July last year (2023). So I grab the notebook and look at whos on the front, Vincent Van Gogh, an impressionist painter, just like the paintings in the notebook in the dream.

Photo by A Watchman of the Most High

The first thing I did was open it up and read all the entries. Look what I found on the very last page, second to last entry:

Photo by A Watchman of the Most High

10/14 Collapse was a phrase I heard in my spirit during prayer time. At the time in 2023, the banking collapse wasn’t on my radar, so I didn’t know what this meant so I put a question mark on it, but NOW I KNOW. Only the Father can answer a prayer one year before I even ask the question! God was telling me yet again to be confident in my sign and get back out there and warn the people!

John 14:29 “And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.”

When Israel attacks Iran next weekend, the ensuing panic from Americans will cause a bank run when the banks reopen on Monday, October 14th. Our fractional reserve banking system means our banks only have about 3% of hard cash to cover their balance sheets, and most likely less because the wicked people who have been planning this collapse have orchestrated all of this so that there’s even less in circulation when this all comes. This banking collapse will be the beginning of the end for the US Dollar so that the Beast, One World Government can eventually bring in their cloud money, which eventually will be the teeth for the mark of the beast, control over buying and selling.

What do we do? Well the best thing you can do is repent if you haven’t already. He gave us 7 years to enter the ark, but the judgment hasn’t happened yet so you still have time to get right with God, turn away from those sins and come out of Mystery Babylon (United States) spiritually and its sinful ways. The next thing you should do is pull your money out of the banks and pull your investments, because they will go to zero as well. The FDIC will not cover your losses. You are an unsecured creditor. It’s written right there in their contracts. Hide the money in your home, or better yet, use it to stock up on food and water as best as you can this week. Soon after the banking collapse, shelves will be empty. The black horse of Revelation 6 will be in full swing. Time is almost up, but you still have time to prepare if you have ears to hear this message. If you wait and see, it will be too late.

-A Watchman of the Most High

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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