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hello everyone in YouTube world this is really a very important video please watch it please listen to what I have to bring to you today this is on the three days and nights of gross darkness and I’m not kidding you I am amazed at how this happened I do not consider myself a prophetess not in the least bit but every once in a great while God will give me a word and in the past he has given me words and they’ve all come to pass so just let me say that much I’m not a prophetess but once in a while God will give me a prophecy or a word this morning I was in bed because I’m getting ready for my hip surgery in a few days but I was praying as I did yesterday morning and I was identifying but Jesus as the Good Shepherd I mean just how he cares for us just like a Good Shepherd would care for a lost little sheep and I was just crying and you know just Lord you’re so good to us and and all of a sudden I got the word right right right so I said I don’t want to right I don’t want to get up I’m I hurt so bad just let me be comfortable please at any Keppel you know after me he said no get up and right so I did and I ended up with five huge pages on the three days and nights of gross darkness and I’m going to read them to you just exactly the way the Holy Spirit gave them to me and then I put this word out on some of the other channels and I said I hope you don’t mind that I just want to alert you to this in case you want to pass the message on and get people to listen to it I do not care about my channel I have very few subscribers I thank God for each one but you know I’m not here to build a Empire I’m just here to do the will of the Lord that’s it so what father I’m all stop excited and overwhelmed with this message and Lord I was this was birth through much pain and much tears and you brought it forth so as I read it to the people please Holy Spirit come through loud and clear because this is an important word I praise and thank you that you used anyone that you spoke to anyone let alone me Lord to bring forth this message bless it in Jesus name okay so here we go I am this is what the Lord God says I am The Good Shepherd this air of time as mankind knows time is coming to its end as of a few days from now everything is coming to it’s sudden change the time of serious transition is soon to come upon the entire earth the scientists will call it earth or climate change but I the Lord God Almighty call it my holy will and the fulfillment of my holy and most profound decrees which have been established from time immemorial I am the great I am my plan shall stand nothing can be done by the feeble mortal hand of man to alter hinder our stop what I have prepared for mankind truly this error of mankind’s journey on earth is quickly coming to a close as I change and rearrange all things this earth will soon enter a time of severe global darkness people will understand as I the Almighty God draw the curtain of black upon the planet those people of mine who have heard of this word will understand I will grab the sudden attention of mankind as all the technology comes to a sudden incapacitating can’t say that word incapacitating ability to function all will be silent and mankind will be thrown into sudden disarray they will panic as confusion sets in many people will lose rational thinking as the curtain of gross darkness covers the earth I the Lord God must do this to literally grab the attention of all the citizens of Earth my people those who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be shaken far less than the sinner they will they will be stabilized by my holy spirit as the unction of my holy presence falls upon them my holy spirit will calm their minds as they as they falter for a while gathering their wits about them so you my beloved children so see pardon so see my beloved children there are millions of Christians who are saved by my grace that have never heard of the days of Darkness that’s why I’m calling upon you to tell them what is just around the bend you may approach it with scientific terms for it will for I will indeed use the natural means I will use natural means to create this phenomenon my planet which many call Planet X aren’t Nibiru or nemuru is stealing its way to eventually cover your Sun this planet has been observed in various places on earth at times with the naked eye when the when this planet covers your son when this occurs I will in my great mercy hold and totally control the earth’s temperature at 55 degrees so that no manner animal will freeze i’m interjecting because if a planet would cover the Sun normally speaking we would be thrown into an ice age but God Himself is going to control the temperature in His mercy upon earth the Holy Spirit goes on to say however cold will be felt so gather blankets for warmth food and water medical needs if necessary must be out there ready do not discount this admonition for you will need food and water unless you choose to fast candles must be white and unscented do not question me over this oil lights may be used use refined oil as much as possible listen well my beloved ones I am your Holy Father in heaven you have no earthly Holy Father the Pope of Rome is not holy for I alone am holy these days of gross darkness are my great act of mercy to get the full attention of mankind it is at that time that many of the world’s false gods will fall those who worship any false God will have the blinders removed and they will be able to choose me as Lord God and Savior if they so desire the ultimate choice will still be theirs as I force no one to surrender to me listen further my beloved ones immediately before this darkness Falls the earth will quake the earth will quake as it groans for the manifestation of the sons of God in many places there will be actual earthquakes occurring the darkness descends the as a dark the darkness descends and there will be majestic displays in the cosmos I the Lord God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ got in the flesh will rearrange the skies for mankind to see the glorious colors and the deep blood-red as the colors wander around the earth they will see this phenomenon that has never been seen before I have reserved it for this time Planet X will bring with it a great but will bring with it great earth changes as the atmosphere will be charged with electricity this will not hurt or kill mankind but this is something they can see as a discharge will be intense when these changes begin to occur in the heavens you are to notify your loved ones immediately they are to drop whatever they’re doing and immediately come to their home it is now listen important it is best if family members can be together in the home of one of the believers in Yeshua Jesus Christ this is why I desire that you tell them beforehand what’s coming to the earth so they are willing to cooperate with you when the time arrives otherwise they will call you crazy and not come into the home interjecting in other words when the skies check we see like the aurora borealis or the bright red stripes in the sky and we see the Lightning out of season and we see all this cosmic display and we call our loved one and we say hey so this is the time come where it’s going to turn dark in a day or two or whatever you better get into my home with me they’re going to are you kidding this is just a nurse change out of the scientists they say the earth is going to go through changes so just you’re crazy you’re crazy so this is why we’re supposed to tell our people beforehand getting on with the word from the Lord I desire you to alert them now for their sake during this three-day a period three days and nights of darkness many unsaved people will truly receive Yeshua Jesus Christ as their Savior if you have laid a good foundation so now’s the time for us to be the evangelists not to wait until the darkness falls because then it will be too late we won’t be able to go out of out of our homes so now is our time getting on with the word of the Spirit of God as you enter your home I admonish you to cover your windows and do not look out at all period don’t look out at all lock your doors and do not open them to anyone why you ask my beloved children I will tell you why it’s during this time I will allow hordes of demons to roam the entire earth people from all nationalities will be aware of this and many will die from fear and demonic torment or attack also the seas will roar and great will be the changes that torment sinful mankind for my beloved children those in their homes during this time if you obey my instructor I will send legions of my holy angels to protect you do not fear throughout the earth as all electronic cease you will have nowhere to turn but to me the true and only God of endless ages pray without ceasing pray in the spirit trust in me and I will carry you through please be aware that during this time the resurrection of the Dead will take place as the graves of the righteous dead will explode around the entire globe simultaneously during this time many but not all of my living Saints will be transformed by my power and majesty my children who know me as their Lord and Savior but who are living in sin and willful disobedience will be left behind that is it that choice is up to them so the choice to either obey God now or disobey and be left behind my beloved children you asked me why would I allow such a time as this if you have studied my holy word you would understand why I will do this my beautiful earth has become polluted not so much by man-made chemical emissions but rather by but rather my earth has been totally polluted by the filth and degradation of mankind’s sins by the sins of mankind sin is destroying mankind and my earth is suffering also so I’m bringing an end to mankind’s rule on the planet down through the six thousand years since I created your planet until now my creation human beings have been hell-bent on making bad choices called sins these sins are now destroying my earth I am going to personally intervene I will soon implement my plan which will save mankind from total destruction for my word says for the elects sake I will cut the day short also my intervention intervention will save my earth front month I read that part I love my creation and my plan for the earth which I have created is yet to be fulfilled after all is said and done my earth will be given another thousand years in which to in which the glory and beauty will not only be restored but will be multiplied as my Saints rule with me a thousand years read my word dear ones read my scriptures and I will give you understanding trust me my beloved children I will never leave her forsake you I will be near to each one of my people who call on me for I am a God of perfect love mercy and grace I am Yeshua Jesus Christ the Lord the end there’s not much I want to add to that except to say what the lord further brought to my mind this is not the actual return of jesus christ when he says that this is the time when the Dead will be raised and these the living Saints will be transformed this is what we would call the rapture this is what we call the gathering together of the Saints to God and P have asked me in the past well do you believe in a rapture and I have said yes I sure do but I don’t necessarily believe in a pre-tribulation rapture now what does that mean I think that right now we’re going through a form of tribulation just living in the world today we’re in the pressure cooker and we’ve gone through in our lifetimes as Christians you can look back and you can see you’ve gone through a lot of tribulation now this time the the end part of this what the Lord was saying that as he removes the transforms of living Saints and the dead are risen and we are taken and there’s a little bit more to the transformed saints of God I’m not going to get into that but if you want to study that out there some of the other messengers that are describing what happens to the transformed saints of God on the earth yet for a while and I remember a prophecy it wasn’t a prophecy it was a long long long vision that was given to a gentleman as it was a Roman Catholic his name is Ken Peters please look that up ken Peters message and vision that God gave to him as a young man ken is not probably in his what might he be 60 years old or so but anyway back then the Lord was just absolutely spot-on in the vision I mean lined up with a with the Word of God absolutely 100% but when Ken got to the point of the resurrection of the dead this is what he saw in the vision he saw the grapity-grape slit early exploding and he knew that the the saints of God were coming out of the graves it’s not that he saw them but he knew that these exploding Christian graves were saints of God being risen from the dead but he said it was strange I didn’t see the living Saints at that time but yet the Bible says that we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye that the living Saints will be changed so yeah there’s a little bit more to that and if you want to study that out on your own time feel free also the Lord revealed to me something about the mark of the beast something about the fact that after this 3 days of darkness the earth is going to come back on into light and things will never be the same that’s true but it’s not quite the end there’s there’s another what maybe Oh between three and a half and seven years to go before Christ literally returns from heaven and sets up his kingdom on earth and begins his thousand-year rule so during so after the three days of darkness of ended and the and the light comes on again the electronics are going to have to be rectified the technology is going to be changed don’t worry they’re going to have a way to do this because they’re going to have help from alien technology you better believe they’re going to have help from alien technology evil demons fallen angels they’re going to come and they’re going to assist and when technology comes back online with the help of the evil aliens and when the system gets up and running again they’re the evil people that are going to control the world during the Great Tribulation and the wrath of God they’re going to figure they need us a way to mark people and that’s when I believe the Lord is showing me I might be wrong this is me now but I believe this is when the actual marking system will come in because remember there’s going to be some lukewarm Christians left behind that are going to be repenting of their sins and maybe having to die for their faith in Jesus Christ and so anyway new technology after the light comes back on is going to be used to mark the citizens of the world in order to buy and sell and when the the Christians that are left behind that we’re lukewarm or sinful they’re not they’re going to realize by then they can’t take the mark of the beast and they will have to give their heads literally give their lives for the cause of Jesus Christ and then of course they will have praise God thank you Jesus they will have eventually eternal life with us in heaven and then the kingdom of God so after the lights after the light comes back on life will still go on for three and a half to seven years I’m not sure which during which mankind will live there was there will be Wars there will still be problems the mark of the beast will come online there will be more famines pestilence the Jerusalem and Israel will be greatly involved and so on because they’re still going to be they’re still going to be quite a bit a prophecy that will get the fulfilled but the living Saints and the dead in Christ those that were worthy to be transformed and the dead in Christ will have been taken and that’s called the rapture so that’s exactly what we want to hear okay I dressed in black I don’t know why I guess it’s the fastest dress I could grab and I thought how appropriate is this to dress in black for a message on the three days and nights of gross darkness I’m going to run along now I really thank you for listening I know it was heavy but I also know these words were from the Holy Spirit these are not mine there is no way I would write these words in a million years anyway god bless and have a good rest of your day and please please please get get close to the Lord get as close to the Lord Jesus Christ and to our Father and do the Holy Spirit as you possibly can because this is coming this is coming this is going to happen I guarantee you this is going to happen god bless thanks again bye-bye