Until The Fury Has Passed
Come, my people, enter your chambers,
and shut your doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until the fury has passed by.
For behold, the Lord is coming out from his place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity,
and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it,
and will no more cover its slain. (Isaiah 26:20-21)
Jesus is our hiding place, our refuge, our strong tower, our peace. These are not glib Sunday School answers as we enter times of great distress. These are words of truth given by our loving Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. In various ways each day, we experience the reality of Jesus hiding us, protecting us, comforting us, strengthening us, and giving us peace, not as the world gives peace. But the extent to which He is our refuge and help is going to be revealed in great measure in the coming days. The Lord continues to call me to warn that what is coming will shake all those who are not hidden in Jesus.
The Lord tells me:
Peace, peace you say, but I say sudden destruction is coming for men lie to each other through smiles and hand shakes. Secrets whispered and deals made where they think no one sees but I see, says the Lord.
Abomination upon abomination. You white wash it and celebrate when you should be weeping. Why are you not grieved to see such filth? Do you see what is before the eyes of the little ones? Will you continue to offer them as a sacrifice to idols?
You say destruction is far away but I say it will come near. You say you will rebuild but I say rubble, rubble.
Oh, haughty and lofty one, have you no fear of the Lord your maker? I will bring you low.
How I long to see you turn and be healed but you run and shout of your might. Come now oh lofty one and repent.
Do not think you can purchase protection for what I am sending upon the earth. Your imagination will not save you. I am your protection. Do what I say. I will send what is needed.
My children, I love you. Do not fear what is coming as the nations fear. Prepare to share. Prepare to speak My word. Give that which brings life. Let them hear My word. Do not worry about what you will eat to fill your stomach. Eat spiritual meat. Come now and eat that which I feed you with My word and by My Spirit.
Hucksters, hucksters selling their wares. This will save you, they say. But I tell you it will crumble and your shiny coin will not save them.
Do you not see the signs? It comes, it comes. Be in awe.
Fire and shaking.
Where will you flee? Flee to Me. I am your refuge and help.
My friends, I pray the Lord will grant us a knowledge of His will and renew our minds to seek that which pleases Him. I pray we will listen to Jesus and obey Him. Not because we want Him to protect us in an hour of trouble, but because He is wonderful! The Lord, highly exalted and only He worthy of praise, yet humbled Himself to a lowly estate to be our kinsmen redeemer. The Lord who needs nothing humbled Himself to feel hunger and thirst and pain. The giver of life entered death. The sinless and holy One, becoming our filth. Oh, what mercy! Oh what love! Rising from the grave He says to us, here is My righteousness, let it be yours. For this is love, while we were sinners, Christ died for us. And gives us HIs victory- eternal life with Him. Every detail, no matter how small–perfectly fulfilled according to His word. Why do we so easily forget who He is? Why do we so easily cling to the things of this world? Let us be renewed in the spirit of our mind to see what is pleasing to our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us proclaim the excellencies of He who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. We have received mercy and are God’s people. Let us remember Him and love Him with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. Surely He is coming soon!