Unexpected Change and Occurences…. Listen to the Holy Spirit Crucial Times
October 31, 2020
Bette Stephens
A Servent’s Heart
Auto Generated Transcript
hello everyone today is saturday october 31st of 2020 and i am going to bring an urgent message it was a horrible nightmare but i’m going to bring a few things to you today um it’s a beautiful day here after all the rain we had looking out you probably can’t see a lot out of our doors but i’m sitting here in the front watching the sun come in and out in the woods back there and uh so i thought i’d sit out here where there’s a little more light so i’m gonna get right into this for the last two days this one was given to me on 10 30 about 7 30 a.m it was a very horrible dream and i’m not going to give all the details i’m not going to release a lot of it it is just too gross it is not for everyone um it’s i would uh rather keep some details back so anyway here we go i woke up in the morning from a very horrible dream and more like a nightmare this was the longest night i’ve ever found myself and i could get up and down and every time the dream would resume um and the way it started out was i was
i found myself in a very war-torn place somewhere in the u.s i was looking all around me looking at what had taken place as far as the eye could see i was in new york city i didn’t recognize new york at all however i i as i was looking around i saw the statue of liberty that had fallen and shattered and ladies and gentlemen the the liberty statue was not just laying on its side it was shattered in pieces there was also blood laying everywhere blood on the pieces that i saw of the liberty bell the statue rather everything
whenever i even hear liberty i only associate it with god because everything else is a farce it’s associated with a counterfeit demonic entities forces that will not stop until christ returns but i don’t want to get off on a tangent so anyway and
as quick i was taken another place washington dc the u.s flag was gone there was another flag that was in its place i do not know this the country or the nation it represented but it was up and waving
i was then taken into the white house and the white house every room was empty and the president’s chair was empty there were the senate chairs the congress chairs were empty there was no one there there was nothing i heard a little later in the distance i heard sirens air raids were going off everywhere everywhere in the u.s so in summary i was shown complete takedown of the united states of america a war-torn battlefield no power
a torn united states of america a dry united states with no power
and then i heard these words i have them emphasized the tide has went a thunder the tide has went asunder the usa is under siege and that was it
i’m not going to get in to the complete details of the people or anything i saw because it was too gross i cannot even begin to tell you about the babies the children what i saw and why it took place i i can tell you this i’m going to leave it for you to take this to the lord and pray about it and let him confirm or give you revelation or an explanation i know we are now at a crucial hour we are at a pivotal point in our time but what the lord has shown me just very briefly is this
no matter how the election comes and i know that there is animosity i know that there is division on both sides and i’m going to say this regardless of what goes on the lord hath impressed upon my spirit very heavily the judgments will continue nothing has changed in that area we are heading in to the biggest war of all time we are heading into next year the
biggest persecution of the church in history let us pray we pray so much for the country and our patriotism but god is saying here pray for your soul pray that you are right with him pray for your families pray for souls to be saved because the next era of judgment is coming and when i say coming i mean it’s coming whether it is a second wave a second phase whatever i know
i saw it it will be the worst judgments because of the sin of man that the world has ever seen in order to be able for god to show himself on this earth as the king of kings and the lord of lords and to stop the deception to stop the division to stop the hidden sin going on under the turkish under the pews even in safe havens even in home churches stop the sin god is coming we are at a pivotal point and it is going to take a firm heavy judgment to awaken the people to the truth and unless you get it the truth now and allow the lord to work in your life to set you free you will be in the deception that the enemy has planted and yes
the lord is allowing it to test the hearts of his people trust in god and not in man trust and know not in your emotions move when god says move and stay when he says day we have the worst is yet to come by no means are we at peace or safety and what has went on in the spiritual will now affect the physical i am warning these nations i am warning even our government that things that are coming are going to be worth you will have a double portion of judgment and so will those that stand and oppose god the living messiah and now we must open our eyes to the truth make god have mercy on our souls amen and amen shalom
until the next time
until the next time