Vision, Word

Underground Movement – M Goss

Underground Movement

Dec 10, 2019 3:56 PM
Melinda Goss

December 9, 2019

I was called into His presence and was told...”Write it down, what you see and what you hear.”

I saw what looked like the ground turning in the US…it was being dug under the ground and leaving mounds above like when moles dig underneath the surface of the ground making tunnels. I could see it moving across the US.

This was the message:
Underground movement that cannot be seen. Tell MY people, are you watching, are you listening, are you waiting for ME? Do you trust in the things below? Or the things above? They are devising a plan against you MY people. They will rise suddenly. Snare after snare trap after trap. Watch where you walk. The truth is hidden from you, that is why you must seek ME. Listen, look, learn MY WAYS, MY WAYS! Seek ME, SEEK MY WAYS, not the ways of man. I died to set you free, you are only free in ME do not be deceived.


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