Israel, Trump

Trump Vision – Sviesa Entas

I received a comment from a sister in Christ on Facebook, thought it might be good to share:

Trump Vision (Acts 2:17)

Sviesa Entas

Sent to me 2/13/19

I do not follow politics. The Lord called me away from that years ago. That being said, I was sleeping and I had a vision. I saw trump sitting next to hitler at a business table, Trump was signing a piece of paper.. I knew instantly he was betraying Israel. The next scene came: i saw a foreign newspaper headline. It read, ” u s a – b o m b e d”. I woke up shook. This isn’t the first time the Lord has shown me things that no one wants to hear. But it confirms what you are saying.

Furthermore, the Lord said to pray for the Body of Christ in America because they are consumed by this president thinking he is their answer and they will be crushed, perplexed and disillusioned by what is coming.

Shane Caldeira


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