Dream, Obama, Trump, Video

Trump & Obama Dream – Don’t Be Deceived – LM

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Trump & Obama Dream – Don’t Be Deceived

2/3/25 1:49 PM

Dream November 8, 2024
These are POSSIBLE symbolizm in the dream,

** Stand alone cabinet = Trumps presidential cabinet
** Horses on shelving = the seals (Revelation 6)
** First horse on hind legs = someone ready to conquer?
** Is Trump the 1st seal = false savior? (white horse, crown & bow but no arrows)
** Two fireplaces = fire = judgement = Mystery Babylon = Double portion judgement (Rev 18)
** My family moved into a new apt = A change in our family = new president Trump
** I couldnt make my pieces of furniture and the pieces already there ( 2nd fireplace,cabinet,shelves) fit in my living room = Trump being a president making much changes
** Earthquake = much shaking, shock, chaos, changing coming, judgement
** Rainbow painting = there is a convenant between Trump & ? ( Obama ?)
** Movie “Barry” = this was revelation of the identity of the woman who made the paintings. She represents Obama’s Kenya family. I think of Easau (not in covenant with God)
** ONE worship song lead me out of my apt= Trump appeared “godly” deceiving many beliveres to vote for him. Once I was out my apt the rest of the playlist was secular = exposing he was a deceiver / not a godly president
** My husband brings out a older tv & electronics = possible about Obama. His 1st term for President was 2009. That is the year transitioned from analog to digital television.
** The number 3 & 4 was repeated = possibly Trump will not serve his entire 2nd term.
** HUGE Trash truck = the deception, scandals, evil, ??
** WIND that blew all the trash = Holy Spirit

Full dream on my YT channel



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