Tribulation Dream
3/21/25 6:37 AM
Hi – On September 28, 2022 I obeyed the Lord in a way I didn’t want to. I had to offer a suggestion to someone in front of a large group of people who would know if the suggestion wasn’t taken. After doing so a weight came upon me for hours. Later that evening I realized this must be how the Lord feels when He says “I take no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked.” Later that evening, my wife and I went to bed after a long day and I was awakened from a very deep dream at 3:33 a.m. In it I saw a white board in a classroom. 18” X 18” white poster board cards were dropping down from the top, each with a black professionally printed number on it. They were dropping down so quickly I couldn’t read the numbers until one slowed down and landing on the tray the markers sit it. The number was 1,258, two days short of 3.5 years. I immediately know it was about the tribulation. I prayed and fell back to sleep. I had the exact same dream again except this time the number on the card that landed in the tray was 88 and I heard a voice say 88 days remaining. I awoke with a start and grabbed by mobile phone. I googled “88 days from today” and the date was December 25, 2022. I’ve prayed about it and come to believe the tribulation likely started that Christmas Day. It seems to fit considering the evil UN 2030 sustainable development goals and Apophis (possibly Wormwood) scheduled to enter Earth’s orbit lower than the satellites on April 13, 2029.
Please pray for God’s wisdom and discernment. I submit it to the group in obedience to God as a watchman on the wall.
God bless,
Photos courtesy Depositphotos