
Train of Thought to Your Destination – LynL

Meta Al
with Llama 3.2

Train of Thought to Your Destination

10/30/24 10:36 AM


The train to hell has many stops along the way.  Which stops do you take on your journey?  What sins are you guilty of committing while on the train (life).  Have you slept out of wedlock, have you lied, cheated, or stolen what was not yours?  Have you utilized other (people) losses for your gain?   Are you willing to stop what you are guilty of before the train reaches its destination?  Most just continue down the tracks waiting for their destination without much thought.  For they are so use to the ease of no consequences along the way.  Clickity clack, clickity clack, their forward movement, without thought, brings them that much closer to their ultimate destination.  Will you get off the train (out of sin) before it is too late.  Will you make an about face, for danger lurks on the tracks to hell.  As the “cars” (of the train) become darker along the way, will you sense that something is not right.  Will you get off your path and not complete the journey into the abyss?

Choices are made for right or wrong along the way.  It is each person’s responsibility to find their path while riding the tracts.  Your decision, your conscious, brings you to your ultimate destination.


Time is no more, time has ended.  Be ready for what now follows.  Much changes in a heartbeat.  Much that was, will not be again.  Those who have put their faith in me will not have to worry.

My story (Revelation) has final arrived and will be fulfilled.  My Word is what will be.  Those who cannot see or hear will be in grave peril.  It is up to them to change what side of the fence they reside on.   For those resting at the top (of the fence) are not acceptable for entrance into my Kingdom.

Each child has free will.  That free will is a choice that gets you to one location or the other.  I do not put my children into Hell, they do.

Choices are now made for eternity.  All sins are tied to satan.  They put you on a different road (track) than mine.

Ask for my help for anything that is too difficult for you to accomplish on your own.  I will help, but you must follow thru with staying away from that which you wished for.  I can only do so much for it is your free will that ties you to one Kingdom or the other.


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