
Touch not MY anointed – Whitney Eslick Manuel

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Touch not MY anointed

11/2/24 1:03 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

11-2-24 Word began at 12:24pm
Word completed (including Scriptures and prayer) at 1:24pm

I had been in prayer, Bible Study, and worship since I awoke when the LORD GOD spoke these words to me:

“You may write. Please write. Did I not say that there would be woe upon those guilty of those touching MY anointed ones? Of those who do MY prophets harm? Had I not warned? Behold, you have touched. You have touched with your muzzle; you have silenced. You have touched with the ropes MY message; you have bound it up and cast it away. Have you not read that only those who receive MY prophets as they are, MY prophets, will be enabled to receive a prophet’s reward? Oh, foolish children, who listen to the voice, and hearken to the command of another man, rather than listen to ME! Why did you not come to ME? Is it that I cannot speak? Do you think ME unable to answer you, answer you in truth? How you are led astray by the opinions and voices of other men! MY sons! MY daughters! Listen to ME! For I AM speaking. You must repent of this and remedy your actions quickly and without delay. Stop listening to man! Stop being double-minded! You must learn to come only to ME, in earnest prayer and petition. Seek MY Face alone on who is and who is not speaking MY Truth. MY Truth is Truth. Many voices are giving messages not of ME. Some are comprised of self, the thoughts coming out of each man’s own soul and mind. Some messages contain great mixture– part truth, part self, again mixed and polluted with man’s own thoughts, feelings, and errant teachings and beliefs. Some messages are sent from the enemy, and these messengers know it well. They are the tares purposefully planted and assigned to lead astray. They offer some truth, mixed heavily with deception and distraction. How have you walked this long with ME and yet still forgot to do all I’ve taught you in MY WORD. MY WORDS are your life!! They are your instruction. Go back. You haven’t a moment to lose. Go back and re-read MY WORD, reacquaint yourself with MY instructions that will lead to life and away from costly errors. Seek ME and live!! Ask ME if you have fallen into deception and error and be humble and earnest to repent and allow ME to correct what I will show you. You must be humble or you will not stand. This is the Last Call.”

SCRIPTURES to Study and Pray over:

Matthew 10:41
Proverbs 18:3
Numbers 12:6
Matthew 23:37
James 1:8
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
Amos 7:12
1 Kings 22:8
Isaiah 30:10-11
Matthew 6:24
Ezekiel 3:26-27
1 John 4:1
Amos 3:7
Matthew 5:11-12
Psalm 118:8
1 Corinthians 2:5
1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
Jeremiah 6:10
1 John 4:1
1 Chronicles 16:22
Psalm 105:14-15
Acts 5:29
Jeremiah 23:18
2 Peter 1:19-21
Hosea 12:10
James 3:1
John 14:26
Acts 17:11
James 1:22
Jeremiah 23:21-22
Jeremiah 17:5
Galatians 1:10
Proverbs 29:25
Jeremiah 14:14
John 6:68
Matthew 13:15
Matthew 11:15
Ezekiel 12:2
Acts 7:51
Matthew 13:16
Isaiah 59:1
Numbers 11:23
Ezekiel 13:3
Jeremiah 23:16
Jeremiah chapter 36, in its entirety.


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