To Yahuah All Praise Honor And Glory Forever
November 27, 2020 2:29 PM
Brian Ethier
Sitting on His Throne in Majesty Supreme reigns our Heavenly Father,
Sustaining all creation with His electrically charged liquid-plasma love energy, the Almighty Creator;
And all of His works they are so glorious and awesome to behold,
Of infinite wisdom, limitless, of unsearchable greatness, how could all ever be told,
All praise, honor and glory forever, O Sovereign Yahuah, to Your Holy Everlasting Name!
All His precepts are sure, forever His Dominion will endure,
As we make Him our First Love, He showers us with gifts from above;
We thank Him for His goodness, all always done in truth and uprightness,
We adore His faithfulness and bless Him for His righteousness,
All praise, honor and glory forever, O Yahuah the Most High, to Your Holy Everlasting Name!
He redeems us by His plan, Yahusha’s sacrifice, His Son, also the Son of Man,
All our thoughts and motives He knows, everyone reaps exactly what he sows;
Repenting meekly in spirit we seek His Face, with sincerity of heart in the secret place,
Their Set-Apart Spirit saturates our entire being, making our every cell sing,
All praise, honor and glory forever, O Yahuah the Great I AM, to Your Holy Everlasting Name!
YAH, every day we will proclaim Your amazing Righteous Name,
And we will exalt, glorify and sing, for all the joy that You bring;
You are so longsuffering, so gracious, so merciful, for which we are so grateful,
As we revere You for all the beauty, come fill our hearts with glee,
All praise, honor and glory forever, O Yahuah Elohim, to Your Holy Everlasting Name!
And we will worship You O Great Yahuah for Who You are,
For our sincere prayers You will answer for You are never never far;
Yes, be our beacon of Light, and do direct every step we take,
For by our loyalty to Truth, Justice by Your Word will determine our fate,
All praise, honor and glory forever, O Abba Yahuah, to your Holy Everlasting Name!
AlleluYAH! AlleluYAH! AlleluYAH!
All praise, honor and glory forever, O Father Yahuah Elohim, to Your Holy Everlasting Name!