Warning, Prophecy, REPENT

To the Prideful and Arrogant – Justin Adkinson

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

To the Prideful and Arrogant

9/10/24 11:20 PM
Justin Adkinson

September 9, 2024

Read Daniel 4:23-30 as this pertains to a direct warning from the Lord. Here are some of those verses chosen by the Holy Spirit and explained as how the Lord sees many who profess his name today. Take this warning seriously. Read with understanding. There is no more time!

“…and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High rulers in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.”

“And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.”

The Warning to the Prideful!

“Wherefore, O king (Christian living for their flesh and loving this world), let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility.”

(Verse 30 was interpreted directly from the Lord in order to speak plainly and to get understanding for us all)

But the prideful within their heart, will say to themselves, as they lust after the pleasures of this world, “Is this not MY LIFE and ALL that I have gotten from it by MY OWN STRENGTH, that I have built for MY FAMILY, by the might of MY OWN POWER, MY OWN WISDOM, and MY OWN STRENGTH, and in MY OWN PERSEVERANCE was I able to get all these things for my household and my loved ones, and for the honour of my majesty. I AM BLESSED in their eyes for what I have in this life?”

This is what MANY in the church sound like to God within their heart. We are told that God calls this the PRIDE OF LIFE! That is why the Lord started speaking clearly to me again, to share to the church because their leaders are not preaching as they should to you. These warnings are always for myself first to hear with my heart and also to take heed.

Now hear the word of the Lord!


I, the Lord, have spoken this warning to all generations. Yet so many are burning in hell for turning from me, and not having a humble heart, knowing that I rule over the earth. They have said that they believe in my Son, whom I sent, and yet they end up burning in hell for not making him Lord of their life. They have boasted about their life experiences and lusted after the things this world offers them. They have gathered these “things” and “experiences” unto their families. I tell you the truth, only the humble in spirit, and the meek, will ever see my kingdom! True repentance is necessary to enter in through the narrow gate and become the heirs to my kingdom.

For those left here after my Son comes to get his bride, they will have seven times pass over them. To speak plainly to your ears, you who refuse to repent, and turn from loving this world, you will be left behind for seven years. You are still not promised my kingdom during those seven years. But only those martyred for their faith will receive the crown of life. You will have to refuse to take the mark of Satan, and you will have to choose to die for your faith, if you want to see my kingdom, and be joint heirs with my son whom you have put aside while you pursued the lusts of your heart.

I see why you try to fill yourself with pleasure, and still are never satisfied, so you continue to plan your vacations, traveling, and family gatherings, in order to not fully surrender to me, your God! I see what is hidden in your heart, and why you will not take heed to my watchman warning you. I will not be mocked and I am not a respecter of persons.

Your belief in my Son is not enough. Satan believes in me and my Son, but does not follow my commandments just like you. He is your father, because you are rebellious to my commandments. You do not spend time with me in your prayer closet and you are not in my word. You do not allow your heart to be filled up with my Spirit, so that the things of this world might fade away from your sight. You fear your family more than me! Your fear of man will keep you here on earth, and because of this fear, you will end up in the pit. When you are ashamed, to stand up for my truth within your own family, you are ashamed of me. Does not my word say that those who are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of as well? You will not enter my kingdom!

The false teachers that are telling you, that believing is all that is necessary, are tickling your ears! Wake up my children! I desire to know you. You do not want to hear me say “Depart from me for I never knew you!” Come to me now with a humble and contrite heart, and put aside your worldly pursuits. The pursuits and pleasures you give your entire energy to, will not fill you, but will keep you empty. These pleasures and leisures you pursue will never satisfy. These warnings are for you, lukewarm Christian, to repent and turn to me, but you refuse. By not fully surrendering everything in your life it will lead you to the pit. I will cast you into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!

I am allowing this word of warning to go out, once again through this watchman who has made himself available to me, in order to warn those who have ears to hear. He desires that his loved ones hear these words and take heed. Yet, I see their hardened hearts, while they watch and listen to these words from a distance, and only for entertainment.

I say to you today, REPENT! Your soul is headed down the wide road. To a place I created for the fallen ones, and demons, who will torment you day and night, if you are not washed in the blood of my Son. This is a daily washing of your wicked heart. Does not my word say that the heart of man is wicked above all others? This is why you must repent before it’s too late for your soul. This is why I warn you again through my willing vessels, such as this watchman, whom I love. He speaks the truth through these words I give to him to write down and share.

All will be judged by their works! Your rewards will be given to you when my Son comes for his bride. His reward will be with him, just as I have promised in my word. Continue storing up your treasures in heaven, so your heart will be where your treasure is. I desire for you to be with me, and that is why I speak to the bride, with such patience and love today. Your long wait for your bridegroom is almost over. He is coming, and when he shall appear in the sky, the dead will hear his voice calling them first, to receive their reward. But only those who truly had a real relationship with him will receive their new immortal bodies.

Then you, who are part of the bride of Christ, the few who are alive today, will be caught up to meet him in the air, and you will receive your reward. You will be changed in a twinkling of an eye, and will never see death, or suffering, or pain, or heartache, or sickness again!

Hold on bride! I am coming for you! Hold onto me! I am the true vine! I am all you need. Wake up your loved ones so they too can come to my wedding. All is prepared for us to celebrate together while seven times pass over the Earth. This will be our consummation together, and I will be yours, and you will be mine, for all eternity. I love you my bride. Listen for the call when I come for you. You will hear a trumpet blast, and then there will be no more time to pray for the lost and lukewarm. Pray now without ceasing, so that many will come into the kingdom when you are gone. Pray their eyes are opened, and that their heart becomes a heart of flesh. Pray that they are given boldness to die for me, so they can make it to heaven, into my kingdom, to rule and reign.

So few are ready now! I am coming for my remnant bride who has made themselves ready, by the washing of their garments. I must speak plainly into your ears, for some refuse to hear the Holy Spirit explaining this to them. Your garments that I speak of, is your heart, and it’s wicked above all things. That is why you must check it daily with God our Father, who will convict your heart of the worldly things you still hold onto, and the unrepentant sins you have hidden. This is how you will be ready for my kingdom, but also ready to be my bride. No sin, or worldly possession, or lust of the flesh, will enter. Repent! Before it’s too late for your soul!


Choose this day who you will serve because there is no more time left to love this world and say you love Jesus. Hypocrites and liars will not be allowed into heaven, and God can see whose heart is not ready. This warning is for myself first as I am not promised anything unless I also check my heart with God. No unforgiveness, covetousness, hatred, anger, bitterness, resentment, lying, lusting, or anything else that so easily falls upon our heart in this life will be allowed into the kingdom of heaven just as God’s word warns us. We must work out our salvation with fear and trembling and live a holy life because God is holy.

Please hear the heart of the Lord God almighty who loves his people and wants us all to make it to him. Run this race until the end. We are nearly there! Pray for one another and encourage each other to forgive so the love in our heart doesn’t wax cold like we see happening in the world today as we were told it would happen in the final moments of time.

Justin Adkinson

A watchman until I am called home

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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