To My Battle Weary Bride
January 7, 2022 1:51 PM
Terri Hennessey
Hello Brothers and Sisters of our amazing Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I received this word a few days ago from Jesus while prostrate on my face with the hopes he would minister to my heart and deliver me. He began ministering to me and I got up to write…This is what I heard in my spirit…
Jan 4,2021 11:00 PM
Oh My battle weary Bride, many of you are afraid to let your guard down. This is a time for celebration. My weary soldiers have victory but they are too fearful to smile, too nervous to rejoice for fear the floor is going to fall out from beneath you. You have made it My Remnant. You have won the race. Lift your head. Take a breath. Let it out. Sorrow no more. Deliverance; Healing; Restoration; Joy; Celebration. Here comes the best part; Your Anointing. To do as I did. To carry ‘Myself’ with every step you take; every miracle will make you smile; every soul you bring into the Kingdom, you will rise up in joy within. I know you’re scared to breathe for fear of the next coming calamity but I say, this leg (leg of the journey) is cooked; done; finished. On to the next leg. A new leg. A new day, filled with excitement, joy and wonders to behold. You are ready My Warriors. I will send you out and My glory will be all around and in you for the world to see, to feel, to find freedom. FREEDOM My Bride. Freedom from heartache, pain, betrayal. Freedom and life. Rejoice. Smile. No more trials; no more refining fires . Now comes the fun stuff. Yahushua
Today, Jan 7th, while in Prayer, ABBA asked me to post and share this word today.
God Bless.