To all the Subscribers and Messengers of the 444ProphecyNews site
June 5, 2020 3:15 PM
To all the subscribers and messengers of the Lord:
Recently I have been feeling led to put it out to the subscribers to donate to this 444ProphecyNews site. For weeks now I have been asking the Holy Spirit to tell me when He wanted me to do this. Yesterday I saw the name JONATHAN (just Jonathan) but I know that the Holy Spirit was referring to Jonathan Thieben the administrator of this site. So I’m putting this out to all the subscribers and messengers of the Lord to go before the Lord and ask Him if it is His will to donate to this site because I believe it is.
I signed up a little while ago and have been making a small monthly contribution and I believe it we all ‘gave’ a little of ourselves, it would be a blessing to this site which has blessed us beyond compare!
On 4.25.20 I shared a message I had received from the Lord back in 2008 with Jonathan. This is the message and my response:
I want my people to return to Me. So many of them have fallen away from My flock. The end of time is near and I am calling them back to Me. Your ministry will help to bring back the lost sheep…through your voice which will be my words that I will give to you…
One day your words will be heard (read) across the world.
(My words) I believe that through your 444ProphecyNews site His word is being heard around the world. I pray that more and more people come to your site as God is truly speaking to His people now more than ever.
Map Stats for 2020 as of July 18th
Pink = Visitors; Grey = No Visitors
Jonathan then sent me a map of the world [see above] and the colored markings which showed where people from all over have viewed this site. When I saw it I knew it was a confirmation that God’s message given over twelve years ago was coming to pass through the 444ProphecyNews site.
I think this says it all. Please take this before the Lord. I believe the Lord is speaking to many in this hour.
Different ways to donate
Patron is way for regular monthly giving.
You choose the amount and can cancel at any time
If you are uncomfortable with those options. You can send a check payable to Jonathan Theiben
Jonathan Theiben
Cisco, TX 76437