Time To Renew Vows
9/16/24 8:23 AM
The Spirit and the bride cry out as one, “Please come our King! Oh how we miss You in physical form! Please come and rescue us! Please come… please come back to this physical earth!” “We are vexed by the wickedness all around, we are weary of sickness and suffering! Please, Please… COME BACK!”
He who has an ear, then HEAR! What the Spirit is crying out today! If you hear HIS words, do not harden your heart! The Father is marking and choosing His Son’s Bride NOW! Look up for redemption draws nigh, yes it is very close!
It is a time for the true bride to renew their vows to their Lover, the King! It is time to set your face like flint even as I set My heart to obedience to My Father’s will! My Father and your Father takes no delight in the faint of heart! Be strong in My Spirit! Do not give in to cowardice and the wide easy road of flesh. Learn of Me and My methods. My Bride are the overcomers! It is not a time to love your life!! Those who love their lives will reap death!! Let Me strengthen your hearts for a time of death and judgement has arrived, for the sins of mankind have risen up to heaven as a foul stench even to the THRONE of the Most High.
Do you not know and see the times? Do you not see the grapes are ready for the wine press! The mighty archangel cries out, “gather together all you vultures and eagles, for I the Lord God have set before you a great supper! Come and eat of the flesh of the unrepentant! Come and devour the carcass of the unbelievers!”
Can you hear the angels singing, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of time is here!” But to the remnant that are His, the Spirit of Truth whispers with eternal affection and great mercy, “come closer to me all you who are vexed and weary of sin and unbelief! Come and listen to My love songs to you! For you are Mine and I your God want you close in My embrace! Oh how I have waited for this day to come! Oh how I your Lord have longed with all My heart for the time My chosen could be with Me, never to be separated again!!” “Listen to Me My BRIDE! Listen to My whispers in your ear! I LOVE YOU!”
Prepare to meet your KING! Let My Spirit prepare your heart for the days ahead. Very dark times are upon the earth. Yes, My Father and your Father have shortened satan’s time for my beloved’s sake! Do not give in to temptations. Do not let iniquity lessen your love! LET my Spirit in to your hearts. Do not shrink back in unbelief! Come closer to Me…. Confess your sins and I will pardon!!! My blood has purchased you My beautiful beloved people! Please don’t break My heart in unbelief! My desire is for you. You are mine!
Beware of satan’s plans. There is no more a place for him in heaven and he has come down to you inhabits of the earth in great wrath! Listen to what my Spirit is saying in this time! LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN!
April 2024
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