Time of my empowerment and glory
1/29/25 3:41 PM
Patti Young
28 January 2025
The Lord spoke to me in the early morning hours 3:00 a.m. He said ” I AM about to do a new thing in the earth, visiting the blind, the deaf, the afflicted, and even unto the ones whose legs that are weakened , I shall strengthen.” He then gave me a vision of people bound in wheelchairs for years, and they began to walk. “The time of my empowerment and glory shall flow as new life upon the many. Hearken unto my voice for my hidden treasures that are hidden vessels in the earth shall also rise up when I shout out as a thunderous roar as the Lion of Judah I AM. Tribulation for many upon the earth is near, yes I say even at the door, but the Revelation of I AM is about to appear unto the discarded, the downtrodden, the rejected and the broken. I come again to heal, renew and to restore. I know my faithful ones, the ones who are only beholden to me. Rejoice I say unto you, for the harvest is ripe. The fields are white and ready, and the Latter rain is about to fall. I shall proclaim the hour of judgment upon the wicked, and proclaim deliverance unto my own, for as I delivered my people out of Egypt, I come to deliver my people again out of bondage of sin, disease and even death, for I AM the Life and I come to bring Life and bring it more abundantly unto my own. The hour of restoration is soon to be upon you. Let your hearts faint not, for your Deliverer is near, again I say, I AM even at the door. Repent and come unto me, again is my cry to the lost, as the time is short, and I will forgive you, and your sins shall become white as snow never to be remembered again. Cast aside all that is not of me, and I shall say enter in thou good and faithful servant, rejoice and take part of all the Father has prepared for you.
Thank You!
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