Sergio Peter Rodriguez
July 15, 2018
a message from the Lord to God’s people
Tell them time is running out, judgement is at the door listen to me The Wiles of the enemy will always keep your asunder watch and pray at every opportunity for the enemy seeks to devour you wholeheartedly. Patiently wait, listen to me, there is not much time left much and burdensome things are coming Watch and Pray. Do not let the enemy take the opportunity and the occasion. Do not let the enemy have the upper hand and cut it asunder. Now before it’s too late. The culture that you live in causes Division and strive between the body of Christ. I will cut asunder many for disobedience and lack of faith listen to me time is of the essence. Only I can deliver them if they come to repentance now before it’s too late. I have the upper hand but the enemy chooses to get involved and cut the body of Christ dry so be ready and cut to the chase.